![]() For your edification, inspiration and for intercession, here is a small selection of remarkable, written responses that we have received by mail, e-mail or comments on our websites, from friends and supporters and from the field, in the last four months. Please continue to lift up these people and countries in prayer. Please continue to intercede that our publications, outreaches, workshops, broadcasts and courses may continue to renew minds, change hearts, and transform lives and disciple nations. Literature for Africa
“Thank you so much for these excellent Bibles. We will put them to good use. Regards.” A. S., SA “Dear Brother Hammond, May the Grace of our Lord Jesus be with you. Thank you for the pictures and the update! It has filled my heart with joy to see and hear this news from you. For, “As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country.” (Proverbs 25:25) We join you in rejoicing, and May the Lord build his church in all of Africa for his glory. God Bless,” I. P., Indiana CONVERSION to CHRIST and CALL to MISSIONS “Dear Sir, My son and I love every one of your talks- especially when you recount your personal history and life growing up. I am praying for the Lord’s comfort for you in losing your wonderful wife, who is now in Christ’s presence. We love you so much! I feel I know you personally. Indeed you are my brother in Christ. Someday, I would be honoured to shake your hand in heaven.” S.S CA, USA “What an absolutely wonderful testimony this is.” A. M. SA “Peter, thank you again for your wonderful post and I read your Military Mission story about ministry in the army to someone on our team. We all laughed and we loved it. One of our friends visiting here actually grew up looking at your videos and being inspired by you so I wanted you to know how much you are loved, and appreciated. Thanks and God bless you,” D & family and FBR, Burma QUARTERMASTER STORE FOR MISSIONS THROUGHOUT AFRICA “Christian greetings. May the Almighty God shield you in His mighty hand. Indeed a Quartermaster (QM) for continental missions. Jesus Christ said, "You are Peter, a stone; and upon this rock I will build My Church; and all the powers of hell shall not prevail against it ..." (Matthew 16:18). May God touch more souls to faithfully support this noble cause? Thank you for your prayer! I am back safely from Somalia. Blessings.” S. M. M. Kenya “Hi Peter and Frontline Fellowship Team, What a blessing to read your latest newsletter about World Missionary Press and their involvement with your 40 year ministry. May the Lord bless you and your team as you reach out to carry the Gospel on Christ in Africa. Sincere Christian greeting.” R & T. E., New Zealand ESTABLISHING a HOSPITAL in SOUTH SUDAN “Fascinating story, what a testimony to faith and action touching so many lives for the better! God bless, sincerely,” R. F. USA “Dear Dr. Peter, It is some years since we`ve met at a SAAWE missions function. Ever since I`m so grateful for the blessings on your very Special and majestic contribution, continually and without fail. I know and pray for the opportunity to make a financial contribution to your organization. Being family orientated,(4married sons, their dear spouses,12 grand Children,2 married)plus my contributions/work as a Gideon, and other financial support(however menial)leave me and my wife both +80, on a` tight rope ‘situation. You have inspired me to do more, (and be more dedicated) and I can pray for you and the great work, you perform in His service...” J. L P. “One word: Wow! Second word: Bravo!, Dr. Hammond! So sorry we missed visiting with the Combs family when they were in our town month before last. We are in Purcellville, Virginia, friends of FF and Your dear wife, Lenora, and her dear parents, Bill and Harriet Bathman. We have never met any of you, just Charl and Sonja, when they lived here in northern Virginia for a while. Hope next time works out better. Blessings,” J & J H, USA YOU are YOUR OWN WORST ENEMY “I wanted to thank all of you again for your prayers. I also wanted to share with you that I was really encouraged and helped by your latest letter called You are Your Own Worst Enemy. I can definitely relate to that. Proverbs 3 has been a passage that God has often used to help and encourage me. I honestly received your email when I really needed to read it. Kind regards. ” B. Behind Enemy Lines for Christ “Dear Peter, I want to thank you for your brilliant book ‘Behind Enemy Lines for Christ’ the very first story I read was Arrested and Imprisoned in Zambia. What a story that is! I know there are plenty more I can’t wait to dive into. As you know, most Americans haven’t the faintest idea what it’s like to suffer for Christ …I do by reading accounts like yours and others. Hebrews 13:3. I pray for your ministry”…DP Arizona, USA. Biblical Worldview Summit 2023 “Good morning, I trust you are all well and ready for the BWS camp that lies ahead. I pray that it will equip our young people with the necessary skills needed and have a positive impact on society. The past week has been very busy for me and my family. On the 1st of January my family helped me move my belongings to Kimberley where I will reside for the next year in order to complete my community service year. After I am finished with the year, I plan to move back to the Western Cape. I will miss everyone, but will keep you all in my prayers. I trust that Jessica will be able to attend and help out where her busy schedule year allows. I am forever thankful for the people I met at every BWS camp I have been to, and I can say that I try to keep in contact with those I have met, no matter how far they are apart. May God direct our paths, always” F.O., SA “The Biblical Worldview Summit 2023 Variety Concert was inspiring and most enjoyable: “And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful. Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the Name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.” Colossians 3:15-17” J.C. SA ACH Radio Program “I have been listening to your radio programmes on ACH for years. You are one of my favorite recurring guests that he has on his show. I can tell you that I have the highest admiration for you and all of the good works that you have done and in my opinion you are a great example of a Christian man. I am in awe of the life that you have led and of the life that you continue to live. I just wanted you to know that this old guy appreciates you. May Father Yahweh richly bless you and keep you and yours. ” P. Texas “Hello, Dr Hammond, I live in the states. I've been listening to you on Andrew Carrington Hitchcock's show since 2018 which has been thoroughly enjoyable. You are a remarkable man, sir. I especially enjoyed your show about Leon DeGrelle on the Eastern front. Amazing. The series on The Bad War and recently A History of Central Banking were particularly very interesting. That book is one that I've been interested in for some time. I would like to purchase that book from you and possibly some others on your list of most important books ever written. I appreciate everything you do, Dr. Hammond. I've been awake for quite a while now but I got started late because I was a degenerate in my youth ( no direction at all ). A classic case of arrested development. I did spend four years in the 82nd Airborne as an infantryman which was good for me but I was so naive about the truth until I started having kids. Something made me look up from the herd. Had I known then what I know now I would be a different person today. Perhaps even a man like you, however, I don't think there are many like you. I certainly would have followed you and fought my heart out for you. I've thought about messaging several times in the past but wasn't sure what to say. I figured that the Stephen Mitford Goodson book would be a good reason to reach out. Thank you for being out there, Peter, and for all that you do for South Africa and Europeans in general. You are an exceptional example of what man is supposed to be. God bless you. Sincerely,” E., USA Loving Life TV “ Dear Dr. Hammond, I am absolutely honored and Blessed to have had the opportunity of viewing your interview with LLT'V. https://lovinglifetv.com/live-dr-peter-hammond-resistance-to-revolutionary-reset/ The Globalists around the world are busy working to destroy our nation as well as yours my precious Brother in Christ. After watching your live stream interview with Scott today, I will promote it here and prepare some of our people to attend both BWS and GCC next year. May God thru our Lord and Saviour Christ Jesus bless you mightily in 2023. ” Rev. S. C., USA Great Commission Course « Dear Dr. Hammond, Thank you so much for pouring your time and energy into making this Great Commission Course such a memorable and uplifting time. We greatly appreciate your patience, as it likely was needed often, because we know our boys!!! They had so many wonderful opportunities there and we are so grateful the Lord provided this through you and your team. We will be praying for your family and ministry, and we Praise the Lord for keeping all safe throughout January. Most gratefully” C & L. Alabama, USA “Dear Dr. Peter Hammond, Thank you for your emails and the information that you have provided. I greatly appreciate it. Thank you for the amazing GCC course, it has been of more benefit to me than most will realize. All lectures were outstanding and greatly delivered! Practicals and physical activities were needed and brought great benefits to my life. May God bless and keep you safe in all your missions forward. Kind regards” M., OFS “Thank you so much! This GCC was one of the best times that I've ever experienced! So much fun, learned so much and got to meet so many new friends and revisit my other friends that I care about very much. Thank you for the most amazing time. Kind Regards.” C. W. Kwazulu /Natal SOMERSET HOSPITAL OUTREACH during the GCC “The hospital outreach went very well yesterday. I think everyone enjoyed it, and the young GCC participants were very polite and enthusiastic, a pleasure to work with. There were good conversations, and some conversions we trust! We prayed for everyone that wanted prayer. Dalene and I also spoke to a matron in charge of a ward, who was curious about us and was very positive about Christians coming to minister in their hospital. In His service” M. & D., Tableview The FAMILY, FAITH and UPBRINGING of DAVID LIVINGSTONE “This is excellent and very inspiring, thank you very much!!! » B. & T. M., AZ USA RESCUE the PERISHING “Thank you for this exceptional article... message.... call to action.” J. F. Philip Stott videos “Dear Mr Stott, Your videos are fantastic!!” Dr R H General Greetings “Be of good cheer Peter, in Him we are victorious and win. The enemy is vicious and does time his attacks. May the Holy Spirit of God draw close to comfort you and strengthen you. Nothing catches God by surprise and nothing will stop His Glorious appearing and complete victory over the evil forces seeking to destroy mankind. You can be thankful to have had a wife like Lenora. Doubtless she is part of the great cloud of witnesses cheering you on. At close to 76 I am very aware how fleeting our days are. Separation from Lenora will in reality only be for a brief moment. You have run a remarkable race and may God impart to you all that you need to complete it with strength and joy. God bless and keep you.” BN, SA “Dear Dr Peter Hammond how are you doing? I learnt very late about your being unwell and upon hearing that you are much better we give all the glory and honor to God. I and the entire team we are praying for you Dr and your family and ministry. We pray that God will stand with you even as you continue writing books which will change the world even when you are here no more. Dr thank very much for the work you did in my life May God remember you. From Chongwe, Zambia” R. M., Zambia “Hello Peter, I am a regular listener and I have attended two of your conferences in Pretoria. I heard that you have had some health issues and I would like to send my best wishes to you. Also know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Get well soon, as your regular radio slot is sorely missed. Kindest regards.” G. V “Dear Dr. Peter Hammond, I wanted to let you know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. I have marveled at your sermons, the information and eloquence in your delivery are an inspiration! Please know that there are a lot of us out here thinking about you. Kind regards,” D. “Good morning Dr Hammond, I’ve been a following you on social media, as well as the newsletter, audio and video content that you make available online, we briefly met at the Home Education expo in Stellenbosch, and so wish that more people in my local area may hear and benefit from your wisdom, as I have. I’m writing this in the hopes that we may start some sort of relationship with you and your fellowship. I am part of a small struggling congregation in rural area. We don’t have a full time minister and I think that my fellow congregants as well as the local community may well benefit from your teachings and material. Not that we were a lot more people before lockdown, but since then we have been wrestling with getting congregants back to church and add some nourishment to their spiritual life. The fact that most congregants are seniors citizens or live far apart, coupled with the current economic climate has played no small part in struggling to retain fellowship between members. I was wondering whether you may have and could advice on some tools/programs/resources small groups can follow/implement in the hopes of a church revival, or whether you may be willing to give some sort of presentation/teaching on a Saturday in the future? Perhaps there have been other times you have assisted a small church group in such a manner, and I’m curious on what advice you had for them then? Thank you and kind regards.” B. D. Citrusdal “Good morning Dr P Hammond. I am very privileged and blessed to write this email to you after finishing the 10th book you’ve written. I am a student at Back to the Bible Mission and been praying for you since last year. Been inspired by your writings almost since I’ve become born again. May you be blessed and protected by God. I am very inspired by the way you stand for the truth and the boldness of standing for the truth. I am looking forward to meet you again this year at BBM and learn from you. With loving regards. (Praying for your work and your family).” P. N. Mpumalanga SHATTERED HOPES – BROKEN DREAMS “Hi, thank you for this message!! This is exactly what I needed today as well as the whole world needs this message of hope!! It was such a blessing to me, as I am going through a time where I am struggling to understand why the Lord allowed certain bad things to happen to me!! But this message has lifted my spirit and I want to serve the Lord with new energy and Zeal in full surrender!! To whom shall we turn in need, if we are confused and don"t understand things? The answer is the Lord Jesus as He created us and knows better than we know ourselves what is best for us, if we will only always submit to His ways!! May the Lord bless you and your ministry! In His Love.” J. D. SA INCREDIBLE CREATION “Awesome, what a wonderful, revolutionary study. Thank you so much for your time and research to teach us the infinite mysteries of creation. Much enjoyed and appreciated. Blessings,” B. &D.P. Let The Whole World Hear God's Word “Dear Dr. Hammond. I had to read your report on your stroke twice, I am not surprised that the Lord has revitalised your body so quickly, but no less this was a clear shot across the bows, one many of us are relieved was wide of the mark, if only just. May you allow yourself at least five minutes to recover, and may you continue to be blessed with love, support and healing. Your ministry has a very large impact far and wide, and you still have many miles left on the clock. God bless,” R. F. “Dear Dr Hammond, Thank you for your wonderful message the Ministers’ conference yesterday - it was more than inspiring!” G. P., KZN “Dear Peter, Thank you for your message here below. We are grateful that you could be here for the conference. Attached is a letter of thanks for the part you played in the conference. We thank the Lord for your coming and your message. May God grant that there will be lasting fruit on the few days we had together, and may each one of us have more zeal to spread the precious Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. We wish you the Lord's richest blessing further on your work in His vineyard. Yours faithfully.” Ingrid, KZN “Dear Peter, We have been praying for your full recovery and are so grateful that God has spared you. Our wish for you is contained in these three texts: Ps. 27:14; Eph. 3:20-21; Phil. 4:19. We remember you with great fondness, dear brother, and pray that God will continue to use you abundantly, even as you pace yourself wisely. Warmly,” Dr J. B. “Thank you so much. Just want to know how Dr Hammond is doing following his stroke. The world truly need people such as him in our time. Kind Regards.” O. ON THIS DAY in MISSIONARY HISTORY: “I am so grateful for all your love and effort by sending me all your posts. God bless you and the ministry. Please continue sending me your posts.” A. J. M. THE FOOLISHNESS OF PRIDE “Very well written! I like the combination of Scripture, poetry, hymns, personal stories, foolish politicians, negative and positive examples ... very comprehensive, compelling and convicting. I have passed it on to one of my friends and believe it will surely bless him. Thank you.” W., Germany - Life Challenge Click here to see the latest Frontline News To view our latest Literature for Africa video click here Give Send Go Frontline Fellowship Priority Projects: here To see more Answers to Prayer from the Mailbag, click here. To see our: Free Digital Resources Our Library Programme has provided basic Discipleship libraries for hundreds of Pastors, students and prisoners throughout Africa for decades. With our updated William Carey Bible Institute website, we are now able to offer these free online Digital Library Programme and other resources to anyone. For those who want to prayerfully and financially partner with us in ministry: Our banking details: For South African supporters: Acc. Name: Frontline Fellowship First National Bank – Rondebosch Branch code: 201509 Acc. No: 5017 0589 260 Swift No: FIRNZAJJ (for overseas supporters) Ref: Initial and surname and what it is designated for. For overseas supporters wishing to donate into our South African account: Bank Name/Credit Institution: First Rand Bank Bank Street Address: Bank City, floor 2 Place: 4 First Place, Johannesburg, South Africa, 2000 Account Number: 50170589260 Account Name: Frontline Fellowship Street Address: 28 Park Road Rondebosch Place: Cape Town, 7700, South Africa Ref: Initial and surname and what it is designated for
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December 2024