For your edification, inspiration and for intercession, here is a small selection of remarkable, written responses that we have received by mail, or e-mail, from friends and supporters and from the field, in this last year. Please continue to lift up these people and countries in prayer. Please continue to intercede that our publications, outreaches and courses may continue to renew minds, transform lives, change hearts and disciple nations. Inspiration “Peter, may you grow from strength to strength. I remember when you came to the Assemblies of God Church back in 1986...that was an inspiration!” G. F. Encouragement “I am encouraged and am learning from your footsteps. I deeply appreciate your guiding literature. I am currently in Kenya and Somalia, sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ. May the Almighty God strengthen this dedicated ministry and calling.” S., Kenya Back to Biblical Exposition
“After Saturday’s workshop, I have made a decision of preaching the Word of God as is, nothing added and nothing taken off. I want to grow more in the things of the Spirit and to know more about the people in the Bible, people like Isaiah, Habakkuk and many more. I must know their history before God’s encounter.” Cape Town Expository Preaching Workshop “‘To God Be The Glory Ministries’ would like to Thank You and your fellow colleagues for the wonderful opportunity that was afforded us to be amongst friends and God fearing men. We enjoyed the workshop tremendously, and take valuable lessons from it. We look forward to introducing Expository preaching to our church. We also look forward to the next workshop you have planned.” Cape Town Visual Aids, Discussions and Practicals are Very Helpful “Thank you to you and the team for putting together an informative preaching workshop. I learnt a great deal about the role preaching played in the Reformation and the number of sermons these men preached on a weekly basis. The workshop style and flow was very helpful for some of us who are reflective learners. The use of visual aids, notes, including practicals, helped one to apply learning immediately.” Cape Town Cultivate an Attitude of Gratitude “Many thanks for this lovely ‘Giving Thanks in All Circumstances’ article. If only every citizen of South Africa saw and heeded it. Please thank Peter most sincerely.” D. S., Milnerton Reformation Needed in Kenya “Thanks and praise be to the Lord Almighty. Please next time plan your Reformation Mission to Kenya.” Pastor T., Kenya Literature for Sudan “In recent months it has become my sincere wish and deep desire to aid the Christians of Sudan. This venture of supplying Literature for spiritual leaders is especially dear to me, seeing that both my father and grandfather were and are avid lifelong students of Theology. The love for God's Word they have also instilled in me. I have tasted and seen that God's Word does not return void and I trust that the resources will be of great benefit to the ministry of local believers on the Frontline. Therefore, I want to share my willingness to support this venture. I am convinced it will be well worth this amount that myself and my wife are able to supply to enable the delivery of these resources.” Mr. & Mrs. M. Resources for the Nuba Mountains “You have chosen great resources to donate to the Nuba Mountains! May God continue to bless your work.” S. L., Austria With Love to the Nuba “Thank you, Hunter, for your e-mail about the Nuba Mountain people. We will gladly donate to this project and it is good to make the needs known.” Dr. M. B., Pretoria Serving the Persecuted “We are going to mobilise men and women of God from our church and stand together in the gap, to pray for our brothers and sisters who are being persecuted for doing the work of our Lord Jesus Christ. We will intervene and fight on their behalf for justice. I am always humbled for your Godly concern and your Godly help for His sons and daughters. You will be greatly rewarded for your Godly task.” Pastor M. J., Zambia Luther’s Words are Powerful “Powerful! I'm blessed with your article ‘What Would Professor Martin Luther Say to us Today?’” C. F. M. Biblical Preaching Handbook “This is to acknowledge receipt of the Biblical Preaching Handbook, by John Clifford, Hunter Combs and David Frew. My special thanks is extended to the Director, Dr. Peter Hammond whom I was privileged to have met at one of his visits to Zambia.” Rev. I. Z., Zambia Meaningful “Thank you so much for all your e-mails, it really means a lot to me.” M. d. L. Missionary to Burma “Peter, thank you for writing about Adoniram Judson and sending it to me. It is very much encouraging. We are praying for you and for your ministries.” Dr. M., Myanmar Vision for South Africa “Thank you for this amazing letter ‘South African Mission’ that you have shared with us. May you be completely blessed in all you do. I learnt in this letter of your mentor, Francis Grim, I had the pleasure of meeting him through the Hospital Christian Fellowship. Loved his way of teaching and still have a copy of his Vision for South Africa. May we be privileged to see our country blessed with Christian leadership.” E. J. Magna Carta “Peter, today I again looked over your excellent write up of Magna Carta and was so impressed at this wonderful package of information you presented. I never knew 90% of these facts you present, and all so interesting. Thank you for that research and packaging it so tightly. I am grateful to be your friend and co-worker, dear warrior brother.” J. G., USA Valuable “Thank you for your very valuable e-mails. Much appreciated!” J. Discipling Nations “Thank you for these verses in your ‘Biblical Commands to a Nation’ article. They are tremendously inspirational and lifts one spirit.” Brother B. Christian Work Ethic “You have reminded me to work hard with caution, as there are those expecting to be fed by others.” S. Perseverance “Today we received both your Chaplains Handbook and 2018/1 newsletter from FF. Thank you for your continued zeal and work for God's Kingdom and the encouragement and challenge to persevere that this brings to so many, including myself. Be blessed and strengthened, my brother, to run the race victoriously.” W & C. G. History is So Relevant “Thanks for your ‘The National Suicide of the Xhosa’ article, Peter. I wonder if this latest craze of land grab will result in starvation if the farmers give up and leave, like Zimbabwe. This was a tragedy and you have written it up briefly and clearly.” P. A. Reformation Society History Presentations “I have stopped buying books and rather wait your erudite summary of incidents in History. When the truth of The 2nd World War is finally written, the likes of Churchill and Roosevelt will not appear squeaky clean. Yalta and the enslavement of Eastern Europe must certainly lie at the feet of the two of them. The real story of the political defeat of Rhodesia and South Africa, needs to be told when it was quite obvious that the two countries would follow the same pattern of those to the North of us where abuses of human rights is carried out and corruption has a stranglehold.” T. O. Biblical Exposition Workshop “Thank you to you, John, and the Team for putting together an informative Preaching Workshop. I learnt a great deal about the role preaching played in the Reformation and the number of sermons these men preached on a weekly basis. The workshop style and flow was very helpful for some of us who are reflective learners. The use of visual aids, notes including practicals, helped one to apply learning immediately. Q&A are never easy, particularly when bringing folks from different denominations or movements who have their own Biblical and Theological convictions. However, I think you handled the questions with grace and much patience – thank you for that. We look forward to the next workshop.” E., Cape Town Fantastic Words in Season “Thank you for the fantastic write ups. We so appreciate your word in season. May the Lord continue to bless this ministry.” R. L. Truth Does Not Fear Investigation “Thank you for telling us the truth in your article, The Scandal of Government Cover-Ups of Decades of Islamic Rape Gangs in the UK. I certainly was not at all aware of this evil in a so-called civilised nation, which prides itself of being so very intelligent! How we appreciate you!” R. E. Rhodesia Remembrance Service “Peter, thank you so very much for, once again, conducting our Remembrance Day Service. Your visual and spoken presentation was very well received by those at the service, many of whom commented on the nostalgia generated by this journey down memory lane through old Rhodesia. A lovely service. I thank you personally and on behalf of the Flame Lily Foundation.” Allan Reclaim Campuses for Christ “Your ‘Universities, Polyversities, Diversities and Aversities’ article is very interesting. Dr. Hammond is my hero, of course. Reminds me of Alma and the sons of Mosiah in terms of courage and dedication and he is so amazingly knowledgeable from a host of areas. If I weren't already in my mid 50s, I'd say I want to grow up to be just like him!” Dr. W. S. Appreciation “Thank you very much for the books and DVDs. I'm thankful.” H. S., BI Student, CT Excellent “Thank you dear Brother Peter, I read your newsletters and all the very excellent messages, and never sent a message of appreciation. Forgive me. I do appreciate it. And often share it with Dennis and we learn so much reliable information which is so scarce these days.” K. H. Education is a Battleground “This article, ‘Education or Indoctrination’, is received with thanks. It is a very great write up. I will use it for God’s glory.” E. E. The Battle for the Mind “The information you give out to the Christian public is always so wonderful and informative. I praise God for you regularly. I am with you.” J. G., USA India for Christ “I like this very great vision in your article, ‘WILLIAM CAREY – The Father of Modern Missions’.” D. A., Burkina Faso Student of the Word “Thank you. You are a true student. This is precious.” D. Soli Deo Gloria “Thank you for all the well written e-mails, summaries and articles you send out on a weekly basis. I read them, print them and share with others. Once in Heaven, you will see the fruit of your labour! To God be the Glory! May God bless you and all your co-workers!” J. J., Potchefstroom Resisting Jihad in Greece “Dr. Hammond, The Greek weekly nationalist paper 'Empros' made a reference of your book 'Slavery, Terrorism and Islam: The Historical Roots and Contemporary Threat' in the main article of the 1st of September 2018. 'Empros' is a political newspaper supported by 'Golden Dawn' nationalistis third in votes political party in Greece.” E. Greece Persevere in Productivity “I thank God for you and what you are doing in God's Kingdom!! Keep up the good work!! Your reward is waiting at the finishing line! Thank you very much for sharing your fully packed life with us. Being missionaries ourselves we understand and share the stress and joy...the pain and victory!” Prof. Dr. E. M. Literature 4 Africa “Thank you very much for the Bibles and literature. We are very much grateful and appreciated. Be assured that these Bibles will be well distributed amongst the needy while spreading the Good News. Ray and I watched the video about Sudan and very much moved on what is really happening in persecuted countries. Be assured that our church will be praying for your ministry, that God will protect your team during these missions.” – H. R. K., Gauteng Love in Action “Thank you for sharing your deep understanding in what it means to love and honour God to understand His Commandments and for being an obedient Christian for Christ. I was so blessed. I am encouraged. Thank you.” – D. M. From Catholicism to Christ in Turkey “Thank you so much for the encouragement… Thank you very much for all the contact details! Wow! This comes as an answered prayer! You may not remember, but about 15 years ago you wrote an article regarding the Reformation for Joy Magazine, and me being a zealous new Catholic (I had converted a year earlier) emailed you trying to tell how wrong you were! Turns out 8 years later when I was in a Catholic Seminary I realised you were right all along. Your ministry is now more necessary than ever. You discuss topics on History and Theology no one wants to talk about - and I can't wait to hear your new podcasts when they get posted on SermonAudio.” – B, Turkey Edified, Encouraged and Equipped “Thank you so much for all your edifying Christian Action magazine and Frontline Fellowship News - all very timely and relevant to walking a consistent Christian life. I appreciate you sending me these instructive and edifying publications and extra copies for personal witnessing to encourage fellow believers in Christ. I am most grateful to you for all your Christian love, fraternal encouragement, support and assistance in our most precious Faith in the Lord Jesus with all that you share.” – F. T. F. Fulfilling the Great Commission “Thank you for your efforts in maintaining the great work of your Christian mission.” – T. O. C. The Word of God is Living, Powerful and Active “I am so thankful this morning because of your amazing contribution the past few years to us with tracts in so many different languages and Bibles contributed to send to Africa and other countries - and to new Churches in South Africa. I had a Vision on the 20th of May 5h00 in the morning - I saw Jesus Christ standing in Heaven - and ten thousands of people came walking to Him with their Bibles clinging in their hands - singing a song in their native languages - tribes walking together by the thousands.!!! Jesus Himself were crying because of the JOY He was experiencing seeing all these ten thousands of souls won for the HIS KINGDOM by the WORD OF GOD.!!!! This was an amazing Vision and I had to share this with you and your co-workers to experience the Power and the Joy of the Living WORD OF GOD - now and in Eternity!!!” – E. R., Bibles for Everyone Zambia for Christ “Thanks for continually uplifting us and encouraging us. We pray for Christian Action Network and for Frontline Fellowship to continue being God's mouth piece in the challenging world of today.” – J. S., Zambia Honouring His Name “Wow! Your article on The Third Commandment is so powerful. Thank you for sharing your deep understanding in what it means to love and honour God; to understand His Commandments and being an obedient Christian for Christ. I was so blessed and I feel that the Holy Spirit intended this for me. I am encouraged.” – D. M. Resources for Women “Great resource. Thank you. I will share it with the women in our church.” – G. T. Zeal for Evangelism “I am grateful for the Frontline Fellowship News I received from you. The organisation has really stirred up my zeal for Evangelism despite operating in the rural district of my country with my background of urban set up.” – S. J., Zambia Inspiring Information to Counter the Propaganda of the World “Thank you so much for your inspiration. We wish this could be printed in a newspaper but of course newspapers are propaganda machines of the world.” – M & R Growth in the Word “I would like to send our thanks for to Literature 4 Africa for the resources supplied to our church. The Bibles and audio CDs are helping so much in our Bible study. Many have grown in the Word.” – M. A., Western Cape Nigeria for Christ “Thank you so much for all your edifying "Christian Action" magazine and "Frontline Fellowship News" - all very much very timely and relevant to walking a consistent Christian life. I appreciate you sending me extra copies for personal witnessing and to share to encourage fellow believers in Christ and my friends. Finally, I am most grateful to you for all your Christian love, fraternal encouragement, support and assistance in our most precious Faith in the Lord Jesus with all that you share. Thank you so much for all your concerns and prayers.” F. T. T., Nigeria Stability on the Word of God “I just want to say thanks to you and Frontline Fellowship for providing for me a place of sanity during the time I was looking for a church to settle in, when church after church was madder than the previous church. I know because of our radical stance in holiness to the Lord, leaving the world behind, doing everything for Christ, keeping the Law of God as best as we are able and winning the lost at any cost, no surrender and no retreat, has not made us friends amongst other churches, but we feel a camaraderie with Frontline.” – A. S., RSA God and Government “I appreciated you for the information that you produce about Biblical Principles for Government. You continue to encourage me with these messages and I will continue to teach my government with it.” – R. P. J. B., Sudan Wisdom to Recognise False Flags “Thank you so much for the information on False Flags. Now we will remember to ask for God’s wisdom before praying and always thank Him for the leading of the Holy Spirit.” – NJKK, Praying granny in Port Elizabeth The Wonders of the World Wide Web “I have noted on your website of the work you do and it's commendable.” – N. R., South Africa Understanding the Times “I am so grateful for your informative articles which help us to understand this confusing world in which we now live. I so enjoy reading of the European History, which you give us.” – C. Enriching “Thank you for the enriching newsletters you post which I thoroughly enjoy reading and am thankful for, and appreciate, your commitment and dedication. Looking forward to more.” – A. C. Resources for Preaching and Teaching “We very much appreciate Frontline Fellowship and often use parts of Peter Hammond's messages in our preaching and teaching.” – D. L. C., Michigan, USA Inspiring “What an amazing and beautifully inspiring story, 41 Years Ago – Conversion to Christ and Call to Missions, means very much to me, even at 84.5!” – P. v. d. H., Betty’s Bay Learning from History “I enjoy the messages from Day by Day Calendar of the Reformation. Thank you.” – J.O.O., UK
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December 2024