For your edification, and for intercession, here is a small selection of remarkable, written responses that we have received by mail, or E-mail, from friends and supporters, and from the field. Please continue to lift up these people and countries in prayer. And please continue to intercede that our publications, field trips and courses may continue to renew minds, transform lives, change hearts and disciple nations. “I am always challenged by your articles and thank you for all the effort you put into them and also for being very brave in a weak and silent world where anything goes.” GT “Thank you for The Greatest Century of Reformation. People need the unadulterated Gospel.” BK - Germany “I appreciate Dr. Peter Hammond and Frontline Fellowship so much because they integrate God’s Word into their messages so thoroughly and often. Applying the processes of the Bereans (Acts 17:11) to their messages to show that they ARE in accordance with God’s Holy Word.” AH - USA
“Thank you for helping us equip our foreign readers in sound, Biblical doctrine, and the practice of evangelism. Your articles were just what we were looking for: Reformation and helping our readers be faithful to study the Scriptures and apply them in evangelism.” JF, The Reformed Evangelist, USA “We give God the glory for the life of this man of God. He is a minister with a message. In fact, he has sown seeds into our lives which we believe shall bring more fruit to the glory of the Lord and for the advancement of His Kingdom.” Rev. SO, Lagos, Nigeria “I write to express gratitude for The Greatest Century of Reformation. As Babylon engulfs the global church, distorting its true form, corrupting its ideals, destroying its leaders and breaking its potential for advance. I would like to get involved and join the Reformation Society, mobilise the church for Reformation and create a generation of people committed to Reformation.” CG - Malawi “I thank God Almighty that He has given you the insight to address matters with insight and with a very sound Biblical basis. I appreciate the fact that you do not shy away and do not try to be apologetic, but that you boldly ‘call a spade a spade’ and that you do not hesitate to resist political, humanitarian and whatever influences that people use to wake up emotions, but in doing so, steer away from and ‘dilute’ the Biblical principles. May you continue to get your guidance from God Himself, and continue to expose the tactics and attacks from people with hidden agendas.” GB “I’m enjoying your book The Greatest Century of Reformation. Your publications are very informative. I use the content in discussions, and pass them on. Your consolidated research is helpful. The extracts you provide periodically as E-mails are easy to distribute, and I have forwarded many of them on to those I think should read them. May the Lord bless the important work you are doing!” JR “I was shocked to see that many of the clothing stores have the image of ‘Che’ printed on it. I asked one of the till operators if she was aware of just who ‘Che’ was, she replied that she didn’t. I proceeded to tell her of some of his career ‘highlights.’ God bless you for your ‘Glamourising a Mass Murderer’ article.” PS “I gladly received and read the articles. After I got back home from the conference that very night I shared about Reformation or Islamisation with another 10 youth, who have mission and evangelism on their hearts. One couple even took the decision to have children. They got married 2 years ago but wanted to wait. Very touched and decided she wants a baby or even more. Another young lady felt called by God to work as a missionary among a Muslim tribe. Another thing that God did was within my own heart. He laid a greater desire to stand against abortion. I go to the gynecological clinic here in the town that I live and I talk to women about giving up abortion and I give them different materials to help them. I pray that God will work in our town. May God raise up more people like you to stand for Reformation in our days.” FC -Romania “Great to read FF News! Praise the Lord for your ministry in Nigeria, Zambia and the Congo! Keep up the great work for Him!” JL - Japan “I am a believer in Jesus as the Messiah. Your website was such an encouragement.” K, Durban, South Africa “I too love Jesus, and really enjoyed reading what you wrote on your website. Let the Reformation press on!” TA “I am glad that you told the truth about the way things are. It’s encouraging to see that some Christian leaders are telling the truth about Islam and are not compromising. Thank God for your courage He gives you on the battlefield of spiritual warfare.” LB - Romania “We recently received a food and goodies parcel with your pamphlet in it. So we must assume that the parcel was one of many you sent to Zimbabwe to relieve the plight of pensioners living in our harsh conditions. We thank you most sincerely for your generosity and thoughtful action.” H and M - Zimbabwe “I have recently taken delivery of the video on Islam, Persecution, etc, and a couple of books. All are excellent and I am circulating the video here. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for the good work that the Lord Jesus Christ is doing through everyone at Frontline Fellowship. The book The Christian at War is so helpful, I wish I had such a resource when I was serving in the forces in the Rhodesian war. My nephew is now serving in Iraq as a Major in the British Army.” AHH - England “Thank you for all you have done and are doing for persecuted minorities in Africa. I am praying for you and your efforts.” AH - USA “On behalf of the Board of Directors, CEO and staff of the Southern African Foundation for the Conservation of Coastal Birds (SANCCOB), I would like to thank you for your wonderful article on the importance of the conservation of penguin colonies. The exposure you gave SANCCOB in your article in JOY! magazine and on your The Bible and Animals website will help us to continue our world-renowned work in African Penguin rehabilitation.” Ms DL - Cape Town “Reading your article is like a breath of fresh air. My wife and I are very conservative, both theologically and politically. At the same time, we are very much into conservation and care deeply for all of God’s creation (including animals). This is a rare combination these days and it is very exciting to know that there is someone of like-mind out there! Our children share our views, and your articles have given them a lot of Scriptural ammunition in defending these views. Thank you so much!!” RC, Ohio, USA “The book on Islam is most informative and especially helpful regarding the crusades and the need for secular governments to truly acknowledge, honestly, the threat of Islam in its expansionism. InThe Killing Fields of Mozambique brought memories of the years we spent in Mozambique. Being a student of church history, the book on the Reformation is a very helpful condensation of events and very useful. Most Christians are abysmally ignorant about Islam. The Lord bless and use you to His glory.” CW “I have enjoyed your article on ‘The Criminalisation of SA’. I truly share and believe your viewpoint to be correct. All this happens because of giving in to Pagan rules and authorities. I also believe in the Bible, and the Bible alone.” RG “Muriel and I listened to ‘The Big Question’ last evening, and just wanted to say that you were wonderful. ‘Go Peter Go!’ was on our lips many times. Boy, you certainly brought facts and guts to the debate. You were marvelous and we so admire you for your clear undiluted stand on so many issues facing our country. Well done, Peter. Your two fans here were rooting for you all the way. The Lord was honoured, and we are sure many were blessed as a result of this programme and your contribution.” BP, Cape Town “I have spent hours reading some of your articles on your website and have been challenged.” BN - UK “I am delighted to see the ‘changes’ taking place in the JOY! magazine. Refreshing to read some good articles in the recent editions.” Rev. RE “I was inspired by your findings and words. Many thanks for opening my eyes. I enjoyed the Bible quotes about animals too.” JP - UK “I received The Greatest Century of Reformation today. When I opened the book, I couldn’t hold back my joy, hence I burst into praising God and jubilation. Thanks a million for your brotherly kindness. You may not know what your book has done in my life but, as a point of fact, your book has brought revival to my soul. The Lord has used the book to prune and enrich my life. I prepared a lot of teachings and sermons from the book and I am using them in the pulpits. Please send more books.” Bishop TM - Malawi “Thank you so much for your book Biblical Principles for Africa. This book is a must for everybody in all levels of life. It is wonderful and really a blessing to man.” Evangelist ET “Discipleship Handbook, this ‘Gem’ of a book is an inspiration, and with what I have learned through it, I will be a better and stronger person in Christ. What I have found different to the many other books that one tends to read is its simplicity and easy to grasp chapters. It is compact and to the point. As we are all commanded ‘go out and make disciples of all the world’, I now know how to carry out this command. No other book that I have read has made this so clear to me. This book actually shows one step by step how to go about being a disciple for God, and also how to increase one’s knowledge, setting up a strategy for living, that one’s priorities are in line with that of God, and uses the time effectively.” GL “Paging through The Greatest Century of Reformation, I became very much aware of the need to introduce this information via television or DVD to the young people of this age.” AP - Stellenbosch “Thank you for the books. The books are of great help in our ministry.” FS - Zambia “Thank you for your visit and the books, CD’s, etc. that you donated to this college. We always count it as an honour to have you visit us.” Rev. OS - Zambia “On behalf of the staff and students of Operation UP and ECMTC, we wish to express our sincere thanks and gratitude for this wonderful gift which we hope and trust will go a long way in assisting our students to learn and understand their work and ministry. It will assist us in our endeavor to see Basotho young people going out in mission to the glory of God.” NP, Missions Training Centre, Lesotho “We were humbled with your visit as we were encouraged. We really got enlightened with your teachings. We, as Life Centre Ministries, wished you could have stayed another two days, teaching us. Because we were really blessed with the inspirational messages.” Pastor FD, Lusaka, Zambia “Shalom. Thank you so much for your willingness to send copies of your excellent books to our Mission Training Centre! May God continue to bless you and the Frontline Fellowship team as you advance His Kingdom.” TM, Nairobi, Kenya “I have been blessed by the ‘Salt and Light’ programmes on Radio Tygerberg on Tuesday evenings.” Dr. GH, Bellville “The values you espouse are not only needed in South Africa, but throughout the world. Having studiously followed your ministry for many years, I am a great fan of the mission and ministry that God has called you to perform.” Dr. TB, Movieguide, USA “I thank our Lord for your diligence and faithfulness to our blessed Lord Jesus. I have just finished reading your article ‘The Christian Liberation of Women’. I appreciate your mailings and E-mails.” AH - USA “Your booklets are really interesting and well read. You and your co-workers are doing a fantastic work for the Lord and you are all in my prayers every night.” Mrs. AB - Somerset West “For all the work that you do in all these war torn countries, I really salute you. I also thank your families for their contribution and for letting you go and serve. I thank God daily for the work that you do.” TN “I have taken great pleasure in copying and giving out your article on the Christian (Biblical) way to raise children in the Lord.” AH - USA “Thanks for each and every book you sent. Please send me more.” Evangelist BO, Gboko, Nigeria “Thank you for the fine books and CD’s. The Discipleship Handbook is extraordinary!” AH -USA “Thank you so much for posting ‘The Christian Liberation of Women.’ I’ve been looking for exactly this type of historical analysis for an article (maybe book) I’m writing concerning a feminist defense of controversial Christian teachings. So, thank you for your work!” EB - USA “Thanks for your dedicated service to Jesus Christ.” TN “Your magazines, booklets, videotapes and very ideal books dearly meet the needs and objectives of the library. We may not therefore have sufficient words now in our attempt to explain our appreciation for your donation of these materials to our library; but God, who entrusted you with the mandate of fulfilling the Great Commission is not unjust to forget your work and labour of love which you have shown towards His Name…(Hebrews 6:10). God has energized us by grace, in serving the increasing number of the saints who are devoted, inspired, hungering and seeking the truth through the study of Gospel literature as we continue to open new study centres (libraries).” Evangelist JC, New Hope Ministries, Kenya “I have read with interest the book Slavery, Terrorism and Islam by Peter Hammond. Having met Dr. Hammond on two occasion, I am quite impressed with his work.” DR “I appreciate you for the book you sent me, The Discipleship Handbook. It came at the appointed time. I am a lover of your books. Putting Feet to your Faith, Great Commission Manual, Fight for Life, The Greatest Century of Reformation, The Greatest Century of Missions, David Livingstone will be of great benefit for me in my church planting ministry.” Rev. FB - Nigeria “I was very touched by your book: Principes Bibliques pour l’Afrique. I was thrilled. Thank you again for sending me your books.” NH “I appreciate all the work your organisation is doing, that no one else seem to be doing.” J and HK, East London, South Africa “As a historian, I was gratified to read your review on the ‘Four Feather’ film. Unfortunately, most people today learn their history from films. The movies stand as the definitive documents while the real history is lost in the cracks. Thanks for setting the record straight on Abu Klea.” PH - Australia “Thank you for your dedication to assist the persecuted Christians and work for Reformation and Revival in Africa over the past 21 years. Thank you for doing your part to fulfill the Great Commission and for the sacrifices you have made in order to show others into the Kingdom of God. Thank you for your strength, love, wisdom, determination and perseverance. It is an honour to pray for you. We are praying for you and your family.” Word of Grace, Mesa, USA “God bless you. You really touched my life as a young man who always wanted to take a closer walk with our Lord Jesus.” NN “I would like to pass my sincere gratitude for the reading material that you send me regularly. By reading these materials, I always come to some new revelation, learn about the historical background of the church and other accounts of the Middle Ages.” Pastor MT “Thank you for speaking the truth. May the lord continue to bless you, your family and your ministry.” LP “Thanks so much for the E-mail on the ‘Debate with Roman Catholics.’ I have forwarded it on to a number of friends who, I believe, will profit from it or be able to use it. We appreciate your work and your writings.” JC “My personal thanks and gratitude for ‘True and False Guilt’. Your thoughts are so clear on this issue and it is heartening to note that you take the bull by the horns. Well done sir, I salute you.” RP, Leader, Christian Front “The message you sent out was wonderfully stated and clear.” FD “‘True and False Guilt’ is brilliant. Well done!” BB “I’m anxious to read more. Keep up the great work!” JL “‘The Difference Between True and False Guilt’ was yet another excellent article!” JA “Thank you for a thorough and stirring article.” Councillor BM, ACDP, Eastern Cape “Good for you for putting those attackers in their place. There is nothing on earth like God’s Word to put into perspective any debate by wishy washy self glorifying ‘worms’. You guys rock!! Keep up the awesome work!” PS “Well done! This website is inspiring because it’s truth giving and honest in presenting the whole truth. I was just perusing the Net and stumbled upon it but I’m so impressed I hope to get more involved. Keep being radical in believing in only Him who can save, the Lord Jesus Christ.” AW - UK “Your article ‘Reformation or Islamisation’ hit right home. I am going to study your website more. I am also going to read this article to as many as will listen. Thanks for the inspiration.” JW - California “The GCC is by far the best course I have attended; Stand up for Christ and take action (in the frontlines of the war against the devil), no matter what the price might be; Excellent. I was impressed with the responsibility and preparation exhibited by the leadership and speakers; We need to repent of our apathy, and step out for Christ.” GCC participant “I have really enjoyed reading your book on The Greatest Century of Reformation. It was well put together and concise. This book meets a great need.” B and SN – UK “Your message at the CFT Conference has echoed as far as India.” SA “I heard you on The Way of the Master Radio the other day! I was TREMENDOUSLY excited to hear about what is going on in Africa. Thank you so much for your radical obedience to the Lord and to Reformed Theology.” AL - USA “Thank you so much, man of God, for the books, the CD’s and the newsletters! There is a renewed desired in my heart to see the Word of God upheld in South Africa, and a growing righteous indignation at the plans of satan to destroy this country! I have been sharing the news alerts with my pastors, the results have been a growing desire to accomplish the vision of our church, which is to affect the community for Christ in every sphere, spiritually, politically, economically, culturally and socially.” Sister Z “Thank you for the discipling my people. Your love and compassion for my people blessed me. Thank you for laying down your life for my people.” Pastor MK - Uganda “I am serving at the Mission Aviation Fellowship and had the privilege of purchasing and watching your latest DVD on Sudan, the 3 films on one DVD. We found your work and ministry absolutely amazing!” V, South Africa “With gladness in my heart, thanksgiving unto the Lord and a heart of gratitude to you and the entire team of the Frontline Fellowship I received the first shipment of materials for our Bible Institute today.” Rev. SO, Nigeria “I was so delighted to find your wonderful website, while in the midst of doing research for an article. It contained much information I’ve been needing. I am a freelance writer, living in America.” EH - America “I am always grateful to the Lord for all your many, diverse and effective efforts for the Kingdom.” Dr. GG, TN, USA “It is refreshing reading your E-mail updates and your willingness to stand for Christ with much courage for many years. It encourages me greatly.” GL, New Jersey, USA “Thank you for this timely reminder and challenge. I just wanted you to know that I am equally concerned about the state of our church, and I am available to serve as time and opportunity allows from my role in a pioneer mission organisation. I will share the articles and mailings with a few friends passionate about Reformation and Revival.” LP, Regional Leader of Africa and Middle East, Pioneers Mission Organisation “Thank you for the article titled The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived. Jesus Christ is truly the greatest man who ever lived. He has changed all our lives that we might live to do the same for others. Your article has opened my eyes to the bigger pictures of my life and what I need to focus on, which is to love my God, to know Him andto help others do the same. May the Lord Jesus bless your mission abundantly.” DT “We commend you for your initiative in organising this Reformation Celebration. You’re doing a wonderful thing. We’re thrilled. If only we could arouse the majority of Christians to seek God fervently and earnestly for Revival in our nation.” TH “We delighted in your ministry among us and will continue to uphold Frontline Fellowship in our prayers. This was truly the best missions conference this church has ever had.” Rev. DL “I have been a subscriber to your Frontline Fellowship News for some months now and have been hugely blessed by some of the articles, but none more so than today’s one entitled: ‘The Chocolate Soldier.’ We have been experiencing some pretty intense persecution here in our church. I felt that it was too much for me to bear and I felt I should just throw in the towel and give up. Today was just such a day until I read your article which reminded me that I must fight the evil one with all my strength and put my trust in God who will not desert us.” PT - South Africa “Just a very short note to salute your cool, calm, courageous and dedicated presentation on ‘Slavery – The Rest of the Story’ in Minnesota.” DM “Blessings to you for your crusade into the den of non-believers at the University of Minnesota.” SB - USA “Thank you for visiting the University of Minnesota. I think someone outside the US can better get the message across than someone from within. I deeply appreciate your ministry.” LS, Iowa, USA “I thank God for the wonderful work your ministry is doing in this generation. Your ministry is a blessing to me and my church in Nigeria. Moreover, I have been forwarding your articles to other minister friends of mine within and outside of Nigeria.” Pastor TA - Nigeria “Your letter brought tears to my eyes. I have been in the hospital. You are responsible for answers to my prayers for my son’s best friend to be called to the field. He is spending 4 years in Ecuador after hearing you speak in Minnesota.” DT, USA “I bless the Name of the Lord Jesus for the good work your wonderful organisation is doing in propagating the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Pastor TA – Nigeria “Thank Jesus for your work! Thanks for putting the truth out there.” RD - USA “I just came upon Dr. Peter Hammond’s article on your website: ‘Do Christians Care?’ I want to commend him for responding to the criticism humbly and willingly, without excessive defensiveness. Both the criticism of our groups (I am also pro-life) and the defense given by Hammond are true. I pray that you will encounter great success in defending babies in South Africa, laboring on behalf of the oppression of Sudan and helping the helpless wherever they are found.” SD “I very much enjoyed your article on piercings, there is something very refreshing about seeing lies brought to light.” Mrs. R “Thank you very much for all the literature we received from you. We distributed all the Chichewa and Portuguese literature in Mozambique and Malawi. We enjoy the Reformation material very much. It blessed my heart very, very much. We will try to let as many people as possible see and hear it.” J and L “I thoroughly enjoyed your article on ‘The Bible and Animals’. I thank you for putting your thoughts out on the internet. This article was hard hitting and brought a tear to my eye.” H St J-D - Australia “Thank you for the inspiring book on Islam. Peter, your men did a wonderful job here in Chipata. Timothy and John. From the time they left Chipata we have been praying for Revival. For the first time in Chipata pastors from different denominations we were able to go for an outreach together, it was inspiring and exciting. We had three days discipleship training. We are praying that the Lord should provide you with resources to enable you to translate the Discipleship Handbook and the Biblical Principles for Africa into Chichewa. It will really benefit every one of us in reclaiming Africa for Christ.” Pastor JK - Zambia “I thank God for your encouraging and comforting words. It’s with much joy to know that in the midst of troubles, there are people like you. You are a blessing.” Rev. JM “My profound thanks and appreciation for your Greatest Century of Reformation book. I am very grateful for all that you have been sowing/impacting into my life and ministry. You have shaped my understanding of ministry in various ways.” Pastor JT - Ghana “I was very moved by your article on ‘Body Piercing’ being a return to paganism. I have piercings and tattoos, which I got in my days of ignorance, what we call here ‘BC days’. The article was a great revelation to me and it helped me to see that what I had done to my body. I would like to thank you for your informative and educational article and to commend you on a splendid website, a lot of the stuff I’ve found there is very useful to me as a ‘young Christian’. Thank you again for the wonderful article.” VV, Harare, Zimbabwe “Your newsletters are great, keep it going. We stand together with you in prayer.” JC - Nigeria “We urged all our prayer warriors to pray for your safety. Thank you for the good report on your mission trip to Nigeria. The Lord is using you mightily. If only the whole Christian world could know what you have to say.” B and SB “Your anointed ‘Reformation or Islamisation’ article has deeply touched our hearts, because you’re summarizing the Islamic psychological terrorism that we’ve real life experienced – in an Israeli Samaritan settlement, in Nazareth.” A - Israel “Thank you for being my guest on today’s ‘Faith and Freedom’ programme! Your knowledge about the church in other parts of the world was so informative!” JJ, Faith and Freedom Network, USA “Thank you very much for the information you sent. Please tell Dr. Hammond that I appreciate what you are doing for the Kingdom and for availing the resources to us to execute our responsibilities in the Body of Christ.” Rev. KM, MP, South Africa “Nice to hear from you and the great exploits God is doing in Nigeria. It truly fills me with enthusiasm to carry on. It gets sometimes very lonely and I wonder, then I receive an encouraging E-mail like yours and I get the boost to carry on. I am encouraged by your ministry and all the excellent work that you do.” KS “I give all the glory to God for how you have been used in Ajuwon during your 5 day programme, I was blessed by what I learnt from you. I am happy you made it clear to all of us that we should extend our love to the animals around us. I have personally made it a duty and part of my life’s policy to refrain myself from doing anything that can cause harm to my fellow human beings.” OA - Nigeria “I came across an article on ‘Ascension Day’ on your webpage. I found this article very interesting and thought provoking. I wish to use most of the article in our newsletter.” GF “Thank you for this excellent article on ‘The Da Vinci Delusion’. My wife and I will not be wasting time and money by going to see the movie. I will be forwarding this article to family and friends. You’re doing wonderful work. God bless you more and more.” ETH “I read with interest your article on ‘Christophobia’ – and want to congratulate you on the frank way you have addressed the issue and the balanced way you have dealt with this.” EH “Your website is impressive and I am looking forward to seeing your new book on the Reformation.” Dr. IG, Musèe International de la Rèforme, Genève “Thank you for standing in the gap for God’s truth.” NJ “You have a magnificent family and those of us who have had broken families have taken and continue to take strength from your wonderful example. All strength to your arm with the launch of The Greatest Century of Reformation.” DM “It is not easy to express how moved and grateful I am to have received your most welcome gift box. Your kindness will be remembered long after having enjoyed the contents!” MC - Harare “Thank you very much for this box of goodies. I am glad there are still some kind and good people in this hard world of ours.” ID - Zimbabwe “What a lovely parcel I received this morning. A wonderful surprise! I also appreciate the thought and planning that went into making up the parcel.” MM - Harare “Many thanks to all concerned for the lovely box of goodies I received today. They are greatly appreciated. I, like many other pensioners in Zimbabwe, are struggling with the high cost of living.” BG - Harare “Many, many thanks for the lovely parcel of goodies I received yesterday from you. Thank you for your thoughtfulness and generosity. I can assure you it was much appreciated.” AH - Harare Thank you so very much for your partnership in this mission. Your prayers, encouragement and practical support mean so much to us. May God continue to bless, guide and strengthen you as you seek to be faithful to His Word and His work. “Finally brethren, pray for us, that the Word of the Lord may run swiftly and be glorified, just as it is with you, and that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men; for not all have Faith.” 2 Thessalonians 3:1 – 2 Frontline Fellowship PO Box 74 Newlands, 7725 Cape Town, South Africa Tel: 021-689-4480 Fax: 021-685-5884 E-mail: [email protected]
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Prayer & Praise Articles
December 2024