To Friends, Intercessors and Supporters "Enlarge the place of your tent, and let them stretch out the curtains of your dwellings; do not spare, lengthen your cords, and strengthen your stakes. For you shall expand to the right and to the left…" Isaiah 54:2-3 Celebrating 30 Years on the Frontline In 2012, we celebrated 30 years of God's grace, mercy, provision, guidance and protection. A special celebration rally was held in the Pinelands Town Hall where we praised God for His provision and protection over hundreds of successful Missions to 34 countries and tens-of-thousands of services and outreaches. Many hundreds-of-thousands of Bibles and New Testaments have been distributed in well over 100 languages. Many tens-of-thousands of pastors, teachers, chaplains, medics and Evangelists have been trained and more prayers have been answered, and miracles experienced, than we could possibly catalogue. A 16-page, full-colour collectors edition of Frontline Fellowship News: 30 Years on the Frontline was printed, including many pictures of Frontline outreaches in Mozambique, Angola, Zimbabwe, Zambia, the Congo, Nigeria, Rwanda, Romania and Sudan. 60 Years in Missions
While Frontline Fellowship was celebrating 30 years, the Chairman of the Board of Frontline Fellowship, Rev. Bill Bathman, was celebrating 60 years in Missions. Some of his testimony was included in a double page spread in the special anniversary edition of Frontline Fellowship News. Mozambique Revisited In February, almost 30 years after my first cross-border Mission launching Frontline Fellowship into Mozambique, Lenora and I had the opportunity to travel to Mozambique by ship, as I was lecturing on board the JOY! Cruise. As Lenora and I drove and walked around the capital of Mozambique, Maputo, we could see free enterprise being practised by many people with busy shops, sidewalk markets and entrepreneurs of all kinds plying their trade on the streets. Many new churches have opened and the number of Evangelicals has more than quadrupled. In 1975, as the communists seized the country, barely 3% of the population were Evangelical. By 2005, this had grown to 12%. Today that figure may have doubled again. Mozambique is still a hard Mission field, but it is light years from the death and destruction that predominated in the 80s, as I travelled by off-road motorbike, by dugout canoe and by foot, through the scorched earth, burning villages, desecrated churches, in the killing fields of Mozambique. It was also a stark contrast from when I was captured by Soviet troops and transported to Maputo, locked up in the notorious Machava security prison in Maputo in 1989. Conferences, Courses and Colleges By God's grace, I conducted over 450 meetings in 2012, including lecturing at the Worldview Weekend, Africa for Jesus Missionary Training College in Kimberly, at the KwaSizabantu Mission in Pelindaba, at the Back to the Bible Training College in Mpumalanga, conducting a Biblical Worldview Summit in Vereeniging, a Missions Conference in Middleburg, a Biblical Worldview Seminar in Riversdale, lecturing at Africa School of Missions, a Baptist Church Missions Conference, at the Hospital Christian Fellowship National Conference, at a Missions Conference in Blaauwberg, at the Convergence 2012 Conference at the University of Stellenbosch, at a History Conference in California, at Arizona Christian University, and at the Christians For Truth Conference at KwaSizabantu Mission. Victorious Christians - Who Changed the World A major book which was published in 2012, was: Victorious Christians - Who Changed the World. With 32 character studies, and over 260 pictures in this 380-page book, Victorious Christians, is the largest book I have yet completed. Victorious Christians is designed to inspire a new generation of dedicated Christians with incredible examples of excellence provided by some of the most colourful and effective Christians in history. The book includes 10 Reformers, 6 martyrs, 6 Missionaries, 4 Evangelists, 4 professors, 3 soldiers, 2 musicians, 2 kings, an artist, an inventor, an historian and a queen. This book provides fascinating insights to virtually every age of Church history by focusing on Christian characters, their courage and convictions, in times of crises. Due to lack of funds, we were only able to print 1,000 copies of this much in demand book. It is our prayer that we will receive sufficient sponsorship to print at least 3,000 copies of Victorious Christians to donate to pastors, teachers, chaplains and Evangelists that complete our Leadership Training courses during this next year, and to donate copies to faculty and students at Bible Colleges where we are ministering throughout Africa. E-Books Because of financial frustrations, that prevented print runs, we were led to look into E-books and our Mission Manager, Colin Newman, has worked overtime to format 8 of our books into E-books including:The Ten Commandments - God's Perfect Law of Liberty, The Apostles Creed - Firm Foundations for your Faith, Victorious Christians - Who Changed the World, Reforming Our Families,Biblical Principles for Africa, Practical Discipleship, The Power of Prayer Handbook and Answering Skeptics. Classic Exposé of Communism In addition, we re-published a classic exposé of Communism: Christian Terror, by Frontline Board member, Church of England Missionary, Rev. Arthur Lewis. It was Arthur Lewis who first exposed the insidious spread of liberation theology and the devious work of the World Council of Churches in using church funds to advance communist terrorist movements. His book, Christian Terror, created a sensation as it documented how missionaries, pastors and other Christians were being brutally murdered in Rhodesia, by Robert Mugabe's communist ZANU terrorists. These terrorists were the recipients of generous World Council of Churches funding. As a result of Arthur Lewis' book, even Readers Digest picked up the scandalous story and the Salvation Army and Baptists withdrew their membership of the WCC in protest. Christian Terror has now been republished by Christian Liberty Books. It is 80 pages and includes 23 photographs documenting communist atrocities in Zimbabwe. It is also available as a free E-book. Manifesto We also published a Manifesto for Christians in Southern Africa and have added that as a free E-book on our website. Reformation FIRE for Africa To equip Frontline Mission teams for Leadership Training Courses throughout Africa this year, we have put together a 72 page, Coalition on Revival Reformation FIRE Manual. This is also available as a free E-book along with the 95 Theses for Reformation Today. Literature for Africa Frank Slabbert who runs our Literature4Africa ministry reports that since September 2011, over 104 tonnes of Bibles and books have been donated freely to the field. This included over 15 tonnes of King James Version 400 Year Special Editions, and over 1,000 Reformation Study Bibles. By God's grace, our Mission has received regular shipments of containers filled with Bibles, Bible Study and SundaySchool materials, Devotional books, Doctrinal and Reference books, and audio visual Bible teaching materials. These Bibles, books and other Gospel and Discipleship materials have been freely distributed throughout South Africa and across the border to Zambia, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Botswana, Nigeria and South Sudan. Libraries for Pastors Every pastor, chaplain, teacher and Evangelist who attended one of our many Leadership Training Courses, received at least one book at each course that they participated in. Aside from our own in-house publications: Practical Discipleship, The Ten Commandments - God's Perfect Law of Liberty, The Apostles Creed - Firm Foundations for your Faith, The Greatest Century of Reformation, Answering Skeptics and Reforming Our Families, we praise God for the books so generously donated by authors: Mark Cahill, Robert McNeill, Dr. Robert Morey and Dr. David Noebel. Library Programme Aside from those who attended Frontline Fellowship camps, courses, seminars and conferences. 340 postings were made under our Library Programme to pastors and prisoners in Zambia, Nigeria, Kenya, Malawi, Ghana, Zimbabwe and South Africa. Gill van Heerden reports that 41 received certificates for completing all the book reports for Library Programmes 1 and 2. Prison Ministry There is great interest in Discipleship literature in 14 different prisons which are participating in our Library Programme. In some prisons informal assistance has developed between inmates to enable the less literate to reach better understanding of the contents of the books and to write reports. In one of the larger prisons, new Library Programme participants can now borrow books, instead of receiving individual free books, from Frontline. This saves Frontline from sending a great number of books to one prison and enables inmates to share and read the books and work towards a certificate of recognition. There has been a great thirst in the prisons for spiritual books and news of this programme is spreading to other prisons. We continually receive requests for Study Bibles. We have noted that the participants to the Prison ministry Library Programme are all men. The few books sent to female prisons have not developed into any completion of Library Programme Book Reports, or certificates awarded yet. Transforming Lives in Prison The Library Programme gives an important opportunity to reach many in prison, who want to repent, reform and re-direct their lives and have hope for the future. It is also noted that while Christianity is not promoted in government schools, it is encouraged in prison. If there was more Bible teaching in schools, there would be less young adults turning to crime and wasting their lives in prison! Audio Visual Ministry Our Audio Visual Department produced 73 new resources in the last year. This included 35 new Livingstone Fellowship sermons on audio CD, 34 Reformation Society lectures on CD and 10 MP3 boxsets. Our AV Department now have 633 different resources available, including: 94 Biblical Worldview Seminar lectures, 40 Great Commission Course lectures, 12 Muslim Evangelism Workshop lectures, 240 Livingstone Fellowship sermons on audio CD, along with 14 audio Documentaries and 170 Reformation Society lectures on audio CDs. There are also 39 different MP3s with many hundreds of lectures and sermons between them, and 24 Audio CD boxsets. Audio Visual Donations During the past year, our Audio Visual department produced over 2,400 audio CDs, 1,400 DVDs, along with 120 boxsets, for our Mission to donate to pastors, teachers, chaplains and Evangelists, to Bible College libraries and Missions throughout Africa. Christian Liberty Books By God's grace, the ministry of Christian Liberty Books has continued to grow throughout 2012, particularly in providing Christian textbooks to Home Schoolers and Christian schools. CLB sold 4,922 books and 1,693 audio and DVD resources. CLB has 2,269 customers on its database, and 1,684 people on the e-mailing list. 644 parcels were processed for mail orders (an average of 54 parcels per month). The new Christian Liberty Books had 11,000 visits and 89,000 pages viewed. 201 Orders were placed through the website. Best Sellers Best sellers were: Victorious Christians - Who Changed the World, Answering Skeptics, God Among the Zulus and Slavery, Terrorism and Islam - The Historical Roots and Contemporary Threat, as well as the King James Version Reference Study Bible. Audio CD bestsellers were: The Crusades and Jihad, The Bombing of Cities in WWII, The Best of Enemies, Facts You Never Knew About WWII, and The Urgent Need for Revival. MP3 bestsellers were: Heroes of the Faith, Answering Skeptics, Soldiers for Christ and Great Commission Course. The most popular boxset was:South African History. The most popular DVDs were: A Call for Discernment, Agenda, Islam Rising, The Abortion Matrix, 3 Films on Sudan, Nefarious, and Dr. David Livingstone. Preaching, Teaching and Writing During 2012, I spoke at over 450 meetings. Our secretary, Marion Newman, informs me that during the past year, she typed out for me: 31 sermons, 67 lectures, 29 articles for JOY! and JUIG! Magazines, 32 Answers to Critical Questions, 16 Memos and 1,213 personal correspondence letters. In addition, we sent out 184 e-mails on the general Frontline Fellowship e-mailing list and 52 general e-mails to Reformation Society members. Livingstone 200 2013 Marks the 200th anniversary of David Livingstone's birth. To promote and co-ordinate celebrations for the 200th anniversary of the birth of pioneer missionary Dr. David Livingstone, has been launched, along with a Dr. David Livingstone Facebook page. Special services are being planned at Livingstone House, and we are also planning a Victoria Falls Livingstone Safari to coincide with the anniversary of Livingstone sighting, mapping and naming of Victoria Falls on 16 November 1853. We have been encouraged to prepare an In the Footsteps of David Livingstone documentary film and The Life and Legacy of David Livingstone book. Africa Overland Mission Frontline Fellowship Mission teams will be conducting special Discipleship Training Seminars and Reformation Seminars in many of the areas where David Livingstone pioneered. Dr. Livingstone was the first Evangelist to proclaim the Gospel in much of central Africa. It has been the privilege of our Missionaries to follow in the footsteps of David Livingstone, witnessing the phenomenal growth of churches in those areas where he first ploughed up the hard, stony ground and planted the Gospel seed. The sufferings and sacrifices of Dr. David Livingstone and his perseverance in the face of overwhelming odds, is a most inspiring example of excellence. We see the 200th anniversary of the birth of David Livingstone as a unique opportunity to inspire greater missionary vision, Evangelistic zeal, and enthusiasm for applying the Lordship of Christ to all areas of life. One of our teams is embarking on an 11 country, 7 month, Africa Overland Mission, distributing tonnes of Bibles, Gospels and Discipleship resources and conducting Leadership Training Courses and Evangelistic outreaches throughout central Africa. Slideshare Over 58 of my PowerPoint presentations are now available on Slideshare, which you can access through our website. Slideshare has recorded 93,183 total views so far. Some of the most popular of our PowerPoint presentations are: Biblical Solutions to Crime (6,866 views), Corruption and Greed - A Biblical Response (6,770 views), The Battle for South Africa (6,275 views), A Christian Response to Xenophobia (5,437 views), Ancestor Worship, Animism and the ANC (5,398 views), Marvels of Creation and Science (5,396 views), The Bombing of Cities in WWII (5,195 views), How Propaganda Changes Perceptions and People (4,934 views), The Best of Enemies (4,628 views), KJV 400 (3,863 views), Will Animals be in Heaven? (3,368 views), The Katyn Forest Massacre (2,822 views), and Andrew Murray and the 1860 Revival (2,355 views). Frontline Web The Frontline Fellowship website is averaging 60,000 hits per month with visitors from 169 countries. The website seems to be most popular with people from the United States, Ukraine, Netherlands, South Africa, Germany, United Kingdom, Switzerland, China, Finland, Italy, Spain, Canada, Hong Kong and the Russian Federation. Frontline Fellowship News During 2012, Frontline Fellowship News has dealt with: 30 Years on the Frontline, Evangelising in War Zones, Working for Reformation in Africa, Serving Persecuted Churches, Honorary Members, 60 Years in Missions, Serving South Sudan, Persecution Increases, Mission to Zimbabwe, William Carey Bible Institute - Discipling Nations by Changing Lives, Sudan Declares War on South Sudan, Churches Attacked in Nigeria, Biblical Worldview Summit, Great Commission Conferences, Zimbabwe in Ruins, Zimbabwe Mission, Islamic Jihad Against Christianity, Mission to Nigeria, South Africa Mission, Zimbabwe and Zambia Mission, Remember the Persecuted, Livingstone 200, FIRE for Africa, Churches Attacked in Tanzania, Marxists Loot Zimbabwe, Christian Students Targeted in Nigeria, ZM2 Mission, Do You Want to Change Your World?, and Zimbabwe for Christ. 3,000 copies are printed of each Frontline Fellowship News, and 1,346 are sent out by mail, the rest distributed at meetings. Frontline E-updates 184 FF e-updates were sent out since our last Annual Report. We have 2,106 contacts on our general e-mailing list. Aside from Prayer and Praise Updates, Field Updates and Gospel Defence League letters, these included: The Courageous and Controversial Henry Morton Stanley, How Propaganda Changes Perceptions and People, Serving South Sudan, Dealing with Deceit, The Best of Enemies, Why Are Some Believers Converting to Roman Catholicism?, Learning from Failure, Interpersonal Conflicts in Missions and Churches, Bitterness or Forgiveness?, Mozambique Revisited, Hijacking Our Youth, Film Review - The Iron Lady, Betrayed by Brothers, Winning the World War of Worldviews, Counter Attack, Rhinos, Poaching and Conservation, Ministries of Malice, The Blood of the Lamb, Who Killed Jesus?, Christ is Risen Indeed!, We Serve a Risen Saviour!, 100 Years After the Titanic Tragedy, Martin Luther's Date with Destiny, Will Animals Be in Heaven?, The Katyn Forest Massacre, Classic Exposé of Communism and Liberation Theology, Urgent Call for Prayer for Christians Under Fire in Africa, Help and Hope for Wounded Ministers, Magnificent Mothers with a Mission, 17 May is Ascension Day, Understanding History, The Church Under Attack in Nigeria, Soldiers for Christ, The Fire of God, Great Commission Kit to Empower Your Mission, The Greatness of the Great Commission, The Need for Discernment in Africa, Prayer for Christians Under Fire in Nigeria, Sudan and Tunisia, What is Behind the Jihad in Nigeria?, Hostility to Christianity in Europe, On the Frontlines for Christ, Bombing of Churches in Nigeria Intensifies, Sudan Government Destroys Churches and Attacks Bible College in Khartoum, In Memory of Missionaries and Children Who Paid the Price, Crime and Corruption, The Arab Spring Turns Out to be More of a Bitter Winter, Film Review - Machine Gun Preacher, What is Bastille Day Celebrating?, Islamic Jihad Against Christians in Africa, The Battle for the Soul of Nigeria, Media Expert Responds to the Joker Massacre, The St. James Massacre - 19 Years Ago, Are Firearms to Blame?, Does Glamourising Violence and Villains in Films Inspire Copycat Crimes?, Why Does God Not Stop All the Suffering?, The Original Olympics, Film Review - The Bang Bang Club, Evangelising Christians, Missions in the Mall, UN Fails to Protect Refugees from Massacre, Is It Always God's Will for Us to Be Healed?, 20th Anniversary of the Bisho Massacre, How Well Do You Know Your Bible?, How the New World Order is Hijacking Civilisation, Evangelism - The Lifeblood of the Church, Resisting Babylon and the Beast, Christian Media and the Culture, War Against Worldliness, Do You Want to Change Your World?, The Eschatology of Victory of the Greatest Century of Missions, What Really Matters?, Why Celebrate the Reformation?, American Foreign Policy Affects the Persecuted Church, Churches Attacked in Tanzania, Mobilise Prayer for the Persecuted, Invitation to Join One of the Largest Prayer Movements in the World Today, Halloween and the Bible, 95 Theses for Reformation Today, Persecution in the Bible, Praying for Justice, Christian Students Targeted in Nigeria, If My People, Remember Rhodesia - Pray for Zimbabwe, Self-Confidence vs. God Confidence, A Bold New Initiative for Reformation Today, Marxists Loot Zimbabwe Diamonds, Give Thanks in All Circumstances, Nuba Christians Under Fire, Genocide in the Nuba Mountains of Sudan, Uganda for Christ, Gifts and Giving, The Miraculous Birth of Christ, and The Greatest Gift of All. All these and many other articles have been added to our website. Sermons and Bible studies are added to website. Christian Action An average of 3,000 copies of each edition of Christian Action magazine, were printed. Taryn Hodgson sent out 176 e-mails to the general Christian Action e-mailing list (an average of 3 a week). There are 1,757 subscribers to the Christian Action e-update list. Christian Action was involved in organising: A 3-day Worldview Weekend, a successful action that prevented Top-TV from introducing porn channels in South Africa, a campaign that resulted in Mavericks strip club being defeated in High Court, several anti-trafficking demonstrations and Prayer Vigils outside of Mavericks and parliament, theNational Day of Repentance funeral procession to parliament and Prayer Vigil, obituary notices for babies murdered through abortion placed in newspapers, promoting Sanctity Life Sunday, Missions throughout South Africa, submissions to parliament to counter proposals to legalise prostitution, helping to host Call for Discernment Seminars, a Christian Action Network Discipleship Seminar in Lusaka, Zambia, Missions in the Mall on National Women's Day, Fight the New Drug Campaign, promoting and screening the new Nefarious documentary film, submissions to parliament concerning religious public holidays, Missions to KwaZulu and Mpumalanga, participation in the National Alliance for Life Conference in Durban, promoting nation wide Life Chains, pro-life panel debate on Radio 702/Cape Talk, Reformation Day celebrations, the Gaga Concert outreach, march against crime and many media interviews and programmes on radio and TV. Christian Action Magazine Christian Action Magazine articles in 2012 have included: How Propaganda Changes Perceptions and People, Animism, Ancestors and the ANC, Witchcraft Resurgent, 16 Years of Salt and Light on Radio Tygerberg, Biblical Worldview Summit, National Day of Repentance, Crime and Corruption, Christophobia in Europe, Campus Christians Under Fire, Fight for Family Values, Farm Murders, The Battle for a Christian Calendar, Hijacking Civilisation, Resisting Babylon, National Women's Day Outreaches, Christians For Truth Conference, Do You Want to Change Your World?, Stop the Traffick!, Reformation Celebration, Reformation 500 - FIRE, What Really Matters?, Uganda for Christ, Standing for Life, March Against Crime, Going Gaga?, Dr. Livingstone - 200 Years, Gaga Concert Outreach, You Can Start an Action Group and Sanctity Life Sunday. Christian Action Network 7 new affiliate members were added to the Christian Action Network this year. The Network now incudes 100 members from 15 different African nations (Burundi, Cameroon, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Malawi, Nigeria, Rwanda, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zimbabwe, and Zambia). The members of the Network now represent 4,000 congregations or ministries, and 2 million Christians. Literature 197,000 tracts of over 50 different titles were printed by us in the last year. This included 9 new tracts: The Greatest Man Whoever Lived, The Greatest Book Ever Written (both translated into Afrikaans), Christianity vs. Islam (translated into Chichewa), 10 Reasons Why I Want an Abortion, Fight the New Drug, Stop the Traffick, Going Gaga?, Will Animals Be in Heaven? and 95 Theses for Reformation Today. 8 older tracts were revised and re-published: The Worlds Greatest Revolutionary?; Liberation Theology; War and The Christian; and Die Christen in Oorlog (Afrikaans translation). Our most popular tract during the last year, was: Where Will You Spend Eternity? Frontline Tracts Tracts available include: 10 Reasons Why I Want an Abortion, Will Animals Be in Heaven?, Fight the New Drug, Stop the Traffick, Going Gaga?, Die Mees Invloed Rykende Man Wat Ooit Geleef Het, Die Mees Invloed Rykende Boek in die Wereld, Chikristu Ndi Chislamu, The World's Greatest Revolutionary?, Liberation Theology, The Christian and War, Die Christen en Oorlog, Is the Doctrine of the Trinity Taught in the Bible?, First Things First, The Greatest, The Greatest Book in the World, The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived, The Christian Liberation of Women, That's Entertainment!, Secrets of Success and Failure, He is Risen! Evidences for the Resurrection, "It's My Body", "Dis My Liggaam", "Nguzimba Wam", Milestones of Early Life, Mypale van Vroee Lewe, Abortion: The Facts, Aborsie: Die Feite, Finding Freedom from Pornography, Shattered Hopes, Broken Dreams, Communist Liberation: Myth or Reality?, The Heart of Communism, Glamorising a Mass Murderer, Halloween and the Bible, What is Government?, Should Christians Be Involved in Politics?, Facts of the Faith, Women Need Protection and Respect, Vroue Verdien Beskerming en Respek, Transformations in the Bible, A Message to Roman Catholics, The Chocolate Soldier, Bisexuals, Lesbians, Gays and the Bible, Samson and Delilah, Body Piercing: A Return to Paganism, Reclaiming Surrendered Ground, Where Will You Spend Eternity?, Waar Sal Jy die Ewigheid Deurbring?, Supernatural Power for World Missions, SA Voters Guide and The Bible and Animals. All these tracts are also available online and can be downloaded from At the end of 2012, Frontline Fellowship was invited to contribute sermons to We now have 19 sermons from Frontline Fellowship and 11 sermons I have preached at other churches, such as Martyrs Memorial Free Presbyterian Church in Belfast. So far, the most frequently downloaded messages are: Reclaiming Surrendered Ground (130), Animals in Heaven (180), The Greatest Reformer of All Time - Martin Luther (200), Christian Courage (200), Christophobia (520), The Crusades and Jihad (720), Revival Amidst Persecution (2,260) and Islamic Persecution (2,860). Social Media Frontline Fellowship has added 25 new videos to YouTube with 3,435 views. We now have 7 Facebook pages. Frontline Fellowship sometimes reaches up to 14,000 weekly reached, with up to 700 talking about it, during the middle of January. Africa Christian Action also has over 14,000 weekly reach. Literature4Africa has a 3,899 weekly reach and Reformation500 is at 19,330 weekly reach and 1,291 talking about it. You can see lots of fascinating pictures of the logistical challenges and incredible impact of the tonnes of Bibles and books freely distributed by Frontline Fellowship throughout Africa on Literature4Africa Facebook. There are hundreds of great pictures of our outreaches on the Frontline Fellowship, William Carey Bible Institute and Africa Christian Action Facebook pages. Sermons are being downloaded many thousands of times each year from our website. Reformation Our increasingly popular website is a treasury of hundreds of historical articles, character studies and lectures. This website has been completely redesigned to make it more user-friendly, to empower your school, study group and congregations. We have also printed thousands of 95 Theses for Reformation Today and Coalition on Revival Reformation FIRE Manuals for pastors and Evangelists throughout Africa. Creation and Stewardship Our website has been completely redesigned and now includes PowerPoints against Rhino Poaching and Will Animals be in Heaven? JOY! Magazine As Contributing Editor of JOY! and JUIG! Magazines, I regularly drive to Somerset West to conduct Staff Training, for Editing and to present Devotions to the staff. I wrote 33 articles for JOY! and JUIG! Magazines combined, during 2012. Articles published this year included: Animism, Ancestors and ANC, Magnificent Mothers with a Mission, A Christian Response to Xenophobia, Hostility to Christianity in Europe, Evangelising Christians, Death By Entertainment, Do You Have A Biblical Worldview?, War Against Worldliness, Jesus Christ Changed the World, Rev. Bill Bathman - 60 Years in Missions, Will Animals be in Heaven?, Rhinos, Poaching and Conservation, Corruption and Greed, How Well Do You Know Your Bible?, How Biblical is Your Worldview Bible Test, Mind Siege, Resisting the New World Order, What Are You So Worried About?, What Really Matters?, Wolraad Woltemade, The French Huguenots, Books of the Bible - Genesis, What Does the Bible Say - Striking and Activism, Books of the Bible in a Nutshell - Exodus, The Testimony of the Twelve Apostles, Books of the Bible - Leviticus, What Does the Bible Say - What Did Jesus Look Like?, How Pietermaritzburg Got Its Name, The Great Trek, Books of the Bible in a Nutshell - Numbers, Books of the Bible in a Nutshell - Deuteronomy, Books of the Bible in a Nutshell - Joshua, and What Does the Bible Say - Recognising God's Voice. Africa Overland Mission As part of our Livingstone 200 and Reformation 500 FIRE movement, we are sending out a 7 month, 11 country, Africa Overland Mission. This has been made possible by the vehicle fund promoted by our Chairman, Rev. Bill Bathman, in co-operation with other Board members of FF-USA and the Home Church. Tonnes of Bibles, Gospel booklets, Discipleship Training materials, audio-visual materials and Leadership Training Manuals have been prepared, printed, packaged, pre-positioned and are being transported by this team for an intensive series of Evangelistic outreaches, Discipleship Training Seminars, Great Commission Seminars and Reformation Conferences. This Mission is primarily to South Sudan and the Nuba Mountains, but it will also include extensive ministry throughout Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia and Mozambique. Missions to Zimbabwe By God's grace, David and John Mark, have conducted intensive Leadership Training Courses throughout Zimbabwe. They have concentrated on Discipleship Training Seminars, Way of the Master and Evangelism Explosion Training Workshops, Film Evangelism, Literature distribution and Boxes With Love to destitute pensioners. Tonnes of Bibles and books have been delivered to pastors, chaplains,teachers and Evangelists throughout Zimbabwe. The situation in Zimbabwe is most volatile at this time with a drastic increase of violence perpetrated by the Marxist ZANU government against Human Rights groups, election monitors, opposition party members and supporters, churches and ministries. In the run up to the Referendum and presidential elections a sharp escalation of violence is expected countrywide. Persecution Increases Throughout Africa In the wake of the Arab Spring has come a bitter winter for Christians as Islamic extremists have declared Jihad against Christians, not only in traditionally Muslim areas, such as in Egypt and Libya, but even in countries where Christians are the majority and Muslims a minority. Islamic persecution of Christians in Ethiopia, Northern Nigeria, Kenya and Tanzania have escalated sharply. Many churches, particularly in Northern Nigeria are effectively under siege, feeling very isolated and vulnerable. In these difficult and dangerous days on this volatile continent, we pray that the Lord God may enable us to be faithful to His Word and effective in His service. Thank You The missionaries and staff of Frontline Fellowship join me in expressing our deep gratitude for your prayers, encouragement and support. We have so much to praise and thank God for. He has protected us from all danger, blessed and multiplied our humble, inadequate efforts for the extension of His Kingdom. We are deeply grateful for all of His gracious provisions and magnificent answers to so many prayers. We count it a privilege to be His sons and daughters, His servants and soldiers, serving the suffering, training and mobilizing soul winners and nation transformers. By God's grace and mercy, we trust our Lord Jesus Christ for an even more productive and effective year of ministry in 2013. Vision Frontline Fellowship exists to glorify God by working for the fulfilment of the Great Commission. We seek to serve suffering Christians, to speak up for the persecuted, exposing the persecutors, concentrating on neglected areas, Evangelising in restricted access areas, working for Biblical Reformation and praying for spiritual Revival throughout Africa. It is our fervent prayer that God may mercifully empower a Biblical Reformation and send spiritual Revival to transform Africa for Christ. The Great Commission is our supreme ambition. We pray and work to see lives changed, families strengthened, churches Revived and communities transformed by the Grace of God and through the power of His Word. Yours for the complete and utter destruction of Communism, Islam and Humanism, and for the fulfilment of the Great Commission. Dr. Peter Hammond Frontline Fellowship P.O. Box 74 Newlands 7725 Cape Town South Africa Tel: 021-689-4480 Fax: 021-685-5884 Email: [email protected]
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December 2024