Dear Friends, Intercessors and Supporters "Sing to the Lord, all the earth; proclaim the Good News of His Salvation from day to day. Declare His glory among the nations, His wonders among all peoples." 1 Chronicles 16:23-24 This has been an incredible year with the Islamic Revolution sweeping the Middle East, the success of South Sudan's struggle for secession culminating in Independence celebrations for South Sudan, 9 July. 2011, also marked the 400 th anniversary of the King James Version of the Bible. We thank and praise God for His marvelous provision, guidance and protection throughout 2011. We have completed many far-reaching mission trips and outreaches and we have had the joy of seeing many people brought to conviction of sin, to Repentance and Faith in Christ. By God's grace we have seen many lives transformed by the power of the Gospel of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Writing Projects and Books Published
By God's grace I completed five new books this year. No Frontline Fellowship publication has engendered more controversy, and been in more demand worldwide, than Slavery, Terrorism and Islam - The Historical Roots and Contemporary Threat.The first three editions and five printings sold out so fast that we were almost continuously out of stock. This year we had five printings of the third and fourth edition of Slavery, Terrorism and Islam, to meet the increased demand for a well-illustrated, comprehensive expose of the threat of Islam in a comprehensive Christian response. This completely revised and expanded edition of Slavery, Terrorism and Islam was published and printed in the United States, England and in Cape Town and East London this year. Practical Discipleship is the latest in our discipleship series which began with Faith in Action, Putting Feet to Your Faith, and Discipleship Handbook. With a Foreword by Rev. Bill Bathman and Introduction by Rev. Erlo Stegen, Practical Discipleship includes 30 chapters which cover a comprehensive range of discipleship issues, and conclude with four chapters on Revival. Practical Discipleship was especially written and designed for giving to each participant in Frontline Fellowship Leadership Training courses this year and to each student at the Bible colleges where I lectured throughout the year. Next, I produced a 50 page Discipleship Training Manual with Bible studies, worksheets, evaluation forms, check lists, surveys and planning pages to equip and empower pastors, teachers, chaplains and Evangelists in making disciples, teaching obedience to all things that the Lord has commanded. This also became a key part of material distributed to key contacts and used by field teams during Leadership Training courses in Zambia, Zimbabwe and South Sudan. Answering Skeptics has been a long-term project. Many pastors, teachers and Evangelists have requested a book to help them answer the many challenges and attacks thrown at the Christian Faith. Over the years, I have researched and given presentations on these different issues in different countries and contexts. On hundreds of radio interviews worldwide, I have had interviewers, or callers phone in, and ask, often in the exact words of our titles, these challenges: What proof do you have that the Bible is the Word of God? How can a good God allow evil? Why does God not stop all the suffering? But aren't all religions the same? There is no God! How do you know there is a God? How can a loving God condemn anyone to Hell? How do you know that Jesus is alive? How can I know that Jesus is the Messiah? Is the Doctrine of the Trinity really taught in the Bible? What about the Inquisition? What about all the hypocrites in the church? Isn't religion just a crutch for the weak? The Editor of JOY! Magazine, Erin Georgiou, encouraged me to write articles to answer these most frequently asked questions of skeptics. Most of these were published, in an abbreviated form in JOY! Magazine. Many of them were also translated into Afrikaans and published in JUIG! Tydskrif. We received much positive feedback and several skeptics began correspondence with us over these issues. Evidently, tackling these attacks head-on really opened the door to evangelism with people who would not normally be willing to discuss religious matters. A major book which I have been busy on for many years, has now finally been completed: Victorious Christians - Who Changed the World. This includes 32 character studies with over 260 pictures. The 380 page book includes 10 Reformers, 6 Martyrs, 6 Missionaries, 4 Evangelists, 4 Professors, 3 Soldiers, 2 Musicians, 2 Kings, an artist, an inventor, an historian and a Queen. This book provides fascinating insights to virtually every age of Church History by focusing on Christian Characters, their courage and convictions in times of crisis. It is our prayer that Victorious Christians will inspire a new generation of dedicated Christians with the incredible examples of excellence provided by some of the most colourful and effective Christians in history. We pray that it will be a treasure trove of illustrations and examples for pastors, teachers, and homeschoolers. We are trusting the Lord for the resources to send Victorious Christians to the printers. We will then donate copies of this book to Bible colleges and school libraries throughout Africa. Other writing projects in the pipe-line include: Frontline - Behind Enemy Lines for Christ, War Against God, Bible Character Studies, From Rhodesia to Zimbabwe, A Christian History of Africa, and The Greatest Century of Persecution. Leadership Training This year Summit Ministries in the USA celebrated its 50 th anniversary. We, in South Africa, celebrated 20 years of conducting Biblical Worldview Summits. We began January 2011, with a Biblical Worldview Summit near Cape Town in a forest, in the mountains, near a lake. Every day began with physical training, running, and obstacle courses. The practicals included: night hikes, raft building, canoeing, survival skills, first aid, watersports, and a series of outreaches in a nearby town. The Leadership Training programme was intense and it stretched minds and muscles, presenting daily challenges for problem solving, obstacle crossing and other team-building exercises. In June we held another Biblical Worldview Summit, at the Rocklands campsite near Simonstown . Participants came from as far afield as Uganda, Namibia, Zimbabwe, the USA and from all over South Africa. The programme included a wide range of lectures and activities, including Bible Drill, Just a Minute, Debating Skills games, adventure activities, team-building exercises, public speaking and debating workshops, self-defense classes, archery and air rifle training, discussion groups, P.T., door-to-door evangelism, mass literature distribution, one-on-one personal evangelism, spiritual surveys and open-air evangelism in nearby towns. Our three week Great Commission Course involved intensive lectures, daily outreaches and practicals, night hikes, outreaches to railway stations, in shopping malls and a local prison. Door-to-door evangelism, ministry at a Christian community radio station and work parties at a nearby Mission. Among the many highlights of the Great Commission Course was the celebration of South Sudan's successful struggle for secession. On Saturday, 9 July, Sudanese Christians in Cape Town joined us for a special supper and evening meeting to praise God for this wonderful victory and monumental answer to prayer. Missions to Zambia The University of the Reformed Church of Zambia invited me to lecture on Reformation History. In addition to lectures at the college each morning, in the afternoons I was involved in meeting with cabinet ministers, ministry leaders, media heads, conducting interviews for national radio and television programmes, and conducting outreaches and services. Each Saturday I conducted Leadership Training conferences, the Empowering Pastors Christian Action Network conference and a Reformation and Revival conference. At the conclusion at this conference the Christian Action Zambia members deliberated over and finalised the Lusaka Declaration. Over 800 pastors, teachers, chaplains and Evangelists participated in these conferences. Each participant received donated books. Teachers received The Battle For Truth, by Dr. David Noebel. Those in women's ministries received Reforming Our Families by Lenora Hammond. Evangelists received Mark Cahill's One Thing You Can't Do In Heaven, or One Heartbeat Away books. Pastors received my Practical Discipleship and The Ten Commandments - God's Perfect Law of Liberty books. Bishops and overseers received Winning the War Against Radical Islam, by Dr. Robert Morey, Faith and Courage - A Commentary on the Book of Acts and Practical Discipleship. At the university each student received a copy of my book The Greatest Century of Reformation as the main textbook for our Reformation History course. After completing the Reformation Exam, each student was presented with a copy of The Ten Commandments - God's Perfect Law of Liberty and The Apostles Creed - Firm Foundations for your Faith. Theological lecturers were presented with Reformation Study Bibles. On Sundays I preached at various churches, including a large congregation which meets in what used to be a beer hall, and a new congregation, which was still building its sanctuary and did not yet have a roof. It is our privilege to train missionaries and evangelists in Zambia who are planting churches in the Congo, Angola, Mozambique, Malawi, Tanzania, Botswana, Namibia and in Zimbabwe. Mission to Mpumalanga My youngest son, 11 year old Calvin joined David and I for a Mission to Mpumalanga. This was Calvin's 11 th Mission trip with me, and as before, he proved a valuable member of the team in assisting in Way of the Master and Evangelism Explosion training and Scripture memorization presentations. We ministered at Back to the Bible Training College, which has over 160 students from 14 countries throughout Africa, studying for a three-year degree programme. This takes them through every book in the Bible. We donated copies of Dr. Robert Morey's books: Fearing God, The Islamic Invasion and Winning the War Against Radical Islam to students. Mark Cahill's books: One Thing You Can't Do In Heaven and One Heartbeat Away and Robert McNeil's books were also delivered to the college to distribute to students later on. Africa School of Missions invited me to conduct a series of lectures on Missions History, we distributed large quantities of great Christian books which have been donated by authors, Dr. Robert Morey, Robert McNeil, Mark Cahill and numerous of my own books and Reformation Study Bibles to the missionary students and faculty members. Missions to KwaZulu I conducted two separate Missions to KwaZulu, giving presentations at Cedar College of Education, Domino Servite School, at KwaSizabantu Mission, on Radio Khwezi, and at Jivannadi Mission and on Good News Community Radio. His People Bible School at the university in Durban, organized a number of ministry opportunities on campus. South Africa Mission My daughter, Andrea, was able to join me for our South Africa Mission, August/September. We drove 4,500 km, conducting 45 meetings, including presenting a Biblical Worldview Seminar in Vereeniging, giving presentations to 4 School assemblies, ministering in 4 churches, 3 Mission bases, a radio station, a School of Missions, a Teacher Training College and at a university. Over 80 people participated in the Biblical Worldview Seminar in the Transvaal. During this country-wide Mission to 5 provinces, we distributed almost a tonne of Bibles, Christian books, evangelistic and discipleship materials, Gospel booklets, audio visual materials, to schools, churches, Missions and ministries. God Among the Zulus Probably no man of God in South Africa since Andrew Murray had enjoyed such Revival blessings accompanying his ministry as Rev. Erlo Stegen. After 12 years of intensive Evangelism throughout Zululand, Revival fires fell on the Mission of Rev. Erlo Stegen in 1966, resulting in spectacular conversions, healings and dramatic miracles. These transformed lives and launched dynamic ministries worldwide. Rev. Erlo Stegen began preaching the Gospel at age 16. This year he celebrates over 60 years in ministry. To mark this event, Frontline Fellowship assisted Mrs Barbel Koch in re-printing Dr. Kurt Koch's classic, and for far too long, out of print book: God Among the Zulus. This new updated edition of the classis God Among the Zulus, includes 23 rare colour pictures of the cow shed in Mapumulo, where God's mighty Revival blessings were poured out upon the Prayer Meeting, pictures of KwaSizabantu Mission in the early 1980s, the first co-workers group, fire services, the KwaSizabantu choir, youth conferences and aerial photographs of the growth of the Mission. Author, Dr. Kurt Koch, has ministered in over 100 countries, and produced over 100 books and brochures. There have been over 96 translations of Dr. Kurt Koch's books into foreign languages. Dr. Koch has been acclaimed as one of the world's leading authorities on demonology, the occult and on true and false Revivals. He has visited and investigated many Revival sites around the world and critically investigated spiritual movements. God Among the Zulus focuses on the mighty move of God experienced between 1966 and 1976. It is an inspiring account of spiritual warfare, answers to prayer, deliverances from bondage, healings, conversions and transformed lives of a genuine and dynamic Revival which continues to impact multitudes of lives to this day. Independence for South Sudan We give praise to the Lord for the successful Referendum in Southern Sudan which voted for separation from the Arab North. A new country was born on the African continent, 9 July 2011. This was an answer to many prayers and the result of decades of hard work. The third edition of our Faith Under Fire in Sudan book came out just in time to explain the inspiring story of how South Sudan won its freedom from the Arab North. The Christian courage in this colossal conflict, the oldest community of Christians in Africa, suffering some of the worst persecution in the world at that time, in the longest war, yet with more Muslims coming to Christ than anywhere else that we know of, was a story that just had to be told. Lavishly illustrated with over 200 pictures and supported with a complementary DVD Boxset including 3 films on Sudan, this book is an inspiration and example to those who are confronted by the threat of Radical Islam, Missions to Loziland Two Frontline Fellowship teams completed outreaches throughout a very remote region of Western Zambia. Our 4-wheel drive vehicles were stuck for hours in mud and water, crossing rivers. The team had to do emergency repairs on the vehicle, including for damage to the prop shaft. The team became most adept at changing and fixing tyres, as the vehicle suffered multiple punctures. The Mission to Loziland in Western Zambia included travel and outreaches in Namibia and Angola. To reach some of the more remote areas in the Zambezi Valley, the team utilised a motorboat. The extremely rough terrain took its toll on the vehicle, which came back quite battered with some of the windows in the canopy having shattered from the impact of deep potholes. Despite illnesses, vehicle breakdowns, punctures and running short of fuel, the team attained their objectives, delivered vital supplies and Gospel and discipleship literature to pastors, Evangelists and to a remote Mission station. The spiritual hunger was intense and some people were absolutely ecstatic to receive their own copy of the Word of God. There was much enthusiasm from the local people to the film evangelism, literature distribution and preaching. Rebuilding South Sudan As South Sudan is now an Independent state, it was essential that our Mission teams assist the Christians in the reconstruction of their war-devastated country on a sound Biblical base. Since 1995, we have trained 70 chaplains, 50 medics, 280 pastors and 780 teachers in Sudan. During that same time period we helped establish over 100 primary schools, a high school and 2 Bible Colleges in Sudan. In seeking to minister to spirit, mind and body, we also helped build and stock 2 clinics and convinced Samaritans Purse to restore the hospital in Lui. All of these ministries needed to be resupplied. Mission to Sudan Our Mission team to South Sudan persevered through unseasonably heavy rains, repeated mechanical breakdowns of their trailer and truck and through sickness, to conduct over 140 lectures, sermons and outreaches in 7 different Diocese in South Sudan. The team conducted film ministry on 25 occasions, conducted Biblical Worldview Seminars and Evangelism Training Workshops for teachers at a Teacher Training College, Evangelism Training Workshops at Bible Colleges, pastors seminars, ministered at primary and secondary schools, ministered to soldiers of the SPLA, ministered at Lui Hospital and concluded their ministry in South Sudan with presentations to over 2,000 Christians gathered in the Maridi Cathedral for a Let Your Light Shine Conference. The ministry in South Sudan was far ranging from the Equatorial rain forest of Yambio to the new capital of South Sudan, Juba. Books for Sudan Our teams delivered the new Practical Discipleship book, Discipleship Training Manual, Chaplains Handbook, Chaplains Prayerbook, the new editions of Slavery, Terrorism and Islam - The Historical Roots and Contemporary Threat, and Faith Under Fire in Sudan books, and many vital Evangelistic books, such as Mark Cahill's, One Thing You Can't Do In Heaven and One Heartbeat Away, Robert Morey's, The Islamic Invasion and Winning the War Against Radical Islam and Fearing God, Dr. David Noebel's, The Battle For Truth, vital books for pastors by Robert McNeill, and the history book on the early days of the Church in Moruland: The Doctor Comes to Lui. Mission to Kenya and Uganda Following the intensive series of services, outreaches and Leadership Training courses in South Sudan, the team conducted Christian Action Network Seminars, Biblical Worldview Seminars and Evangelistic meetings in Uganda and Kenya. Revolution in the Middle East The Islamic Revolution sweeping the Middle East is fuelled and encouraged by the Shi'ite Islamicist leaders in Iran. Along with the tidal wave of popular protests on the streets in the Middle East has come a sharp increase of violent persecution against Christian communities. Many hundreds of Christians have been killed in violent attacks on churches and neighbourhoods as far afield as Northern Nigeria, Iraq, Egypt, Pakistan and Ethiopia. The total number of Christians in the Middle East has dropped from 15 million in 2000, to 13.5 million in 2010. The number of Christians in Iraq has plummeted from 1.3 million in 2003, to barely 500,000 today. Tens-of-thousands of Christians are packing up and fleeing the region. Considering that these Christians come from communities which have survived many centuries of Islamic persecution, only to be uprooted today, shows just how severe this new wave of ruthless persecution by Radical Muslims has become. As riots and revolutions rock the Middle East, I received numerous invitations to present lectures on the crises in the Middle East and numerous radio interviews from around the world to help listeners make sense of the upheavals in this volatile region of the world. Missions to Zimbabwe By God's grace, David and John conducted intensive Leadership Training courses throughout Zimbabwe, delivering Boxes with Love to destitute pensioners, Bibles and books to pastors, handbooks to chaplains, conducting Way of the Master and Evangelism Explosion Training Workshops, Biblical Worldview Seminars and Discipleship courses in different areas around Zimbabwe. Missions in the Mall On National Women's Day, we set up displays in 4 shopping malls in Cape Town. 76 volunteers helped us to distribute over 17,000 Gospel leaflets and tracts and nearly 2,000 balloons with Scriptures and pro-family messages on them. By God's grace, during this 12 hour Mission to the Malls, we were able to counsel over 70 people and explain the way of Salvation to them. Each person who was counseled through Way of the Master and Evangelism Explosion questions received a New Testament. This was the 16 th year that our Africa Christian Action ministry has conducted outreaches in the shopping malls of Cape Town on National Women's Day. " Wisdom calls aloud outside; she raises her voice in open squares. She cries out in chief concourses, at the openings of the gates of the city, she speaks her word." Proverbs 1:20,21 Outreaches in Cape Town The Mission staff, in Cape Town were involved in a number of outreaches and initiatives, including the National Day of Repentance march to Parliament, National Women's Day outreaches in the shopping malls, S.T.O.P Trafficking demonstrations outside Parliament and a brothel, where Frontline workers engaged in literature evangelism to motorists and personal one-on-one evangelism to pedestrians passing by. Taryn conducted a three-day Mission in the Mall in Paarl, distributing hundreds of Gospel leaflets and balloons with Gospel messages on them to shoppers. Reformation Celebration In the run up to Reformation Day, I conducted special Reformation presentations at businessmen's prayer breakfasts at Constantia and Franschhoek , conducted many interviews on radio, special services and Reformation Society presentations. On Reformation Day I hosted a large group of homeschoolers on a guided tour of the Huguenot Monument and Museum in Franschhoek. This was then followed by a Reformation Day open air service at the Huguenot Monument. Mobilising Prayer for the Persecuted To promote the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church (2 nd Sunday of November), I wrote special articles which were published in JOY! Magazine, recorded many radio programmes promoting the cause of the persecuted church, gave special presentations and launched a new IDOP-Africa website. Bibles and Books for Africa Our Mission received 51 tonnes of Bibles and books in container shipments. These included 6 tonnes of Bibles, 4 tonnes of Bible commentaries, 14 tonnes of Bible studies, 7 tonnes of Sunday school materials, 6 tonnes of Christian books, Devotionals and Biographies, 2.4 tonnes of Gospel tracts and 600kg of audio and visual materials. These Bibles, books and other Gospel and Discipleship materials have been freely distributed throughout South Africa and across the border to Zambia, Zimbabwe, all the way to South Sudan. Libraries for Pastors Napoleon instructed his generals: "If you want to lead, you must read. Readers make leaders. A reading Christian is a growing Christian."Every pastor, chaplain, teacher and Evangelist who attended one of our Leadership Training courses received at least one book at each course that they participated in. Aside from our own in-house publications: The Ten Commandments - God's Perfect Law of Liberty; The Apostles Creed - Firm Foundations for your Faith; Biblical Principles for Africa; and Practical Discipleship, we praise God for the books so generously donated by authors Mark Cahill, Robert McNeil, Dr. Robert Morey and Dr. David Noebel. Library Programme Aside from those who attended Frontline Fellowship camps, courses, seminars and conferences, 490 postings were made under our library programme to prison inmates and to pastors in Zambia, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Uganda, Cameroon and Liberia. 33 participants received Certificates for completing all the Book Reports for Library Programme 1 and 7 participants received Certificates for completing Library Programme 2. Due to a great interest in Discipleship literature in 13 different prisons, which are participating in our Library programme, study facilitators have begun to be appointed. This has enabled a group of inmates to be assisted with understanding the contents of the books on the Programme and with report writing. There are many requests for Study Bibles. Frontline missionaries plan to make contact with facilitators to assist with their co-ordination of this Discipleship programme. We are planning to provide further teaching and training to the prison co-ordinators . We received many enthusiastic letters from pastors throughout Africa and continual requests for more books. It is a joy to receive the letters of appreciation with testimonies of transformed lives and revitalized ministries. Christian Action Network 13 New affiliated members were added to the Christian Action Network this year. The Network now includes 90 members from 14 different African nations (Burundi, Cameroon, Congo, Ethiopia, Ghana, Liberia, Kenya, Nigeria, Malawi, Tanzania, South Africa, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe). The affiliated and established members of the Network represent well over 3,600 congregations and approximately 2 million members and adherents . Christian Action Network Conferences Frontline Fellowship missionaries were able to conduct Biblical Worldview Seminars and Christian Action Network Conferences in Zambia, Zimbabwe, Kenya and Uganda. Field teams have delivered boxes of books and literature to CAN members in eight nations. Preaching and Teaching During 2011, I spoke at over 400 meetings. Our Secretary, Marion Newman, informs me that during this year, she typed for me: 27 sermons, 32 articles for JOY! Magazine, 113 other articles and lectures for the Reformation Society and Biblical Worldview Seminars, 60 general emails to the Reformation Society members, 117 emails for the general Frontline Fellowship e-mailing list and 1,037 personal correspondence letters. Audio Visual Ministry Our Audio Visual Department produced 70 new products in 2011. This included 37 sermons on audio CD, 22 lectures for the Reformation Society on CD and 10 MP3 boxsets. Our AV Department produced 3,519 DVDs, 2,306 CDs, 1, 006 MP3 boxsets , 126 5-disc boxsets, 76 6-disc boxsets, 17 10-disc boxsets and 48 12-disc boxsets. New Audio Sermons Some of the new sermons now available in audio CD include: Living in the Light of Eternity, The Message of the Psalms is the Message of Missions, Hypocrisy, A Vital and Vibrant Relationship with God, Relationships, Pride and Foolishness, What About All the Hypocrites in the Church?, When Natural Disasters Hit, Postmodernism and the Emergent Church, Egalitarianism, Those Who Hate God Love Death, But Who Are You?, Do You Have Any Right to be Angry?, Three Crosses, But Who Do You Say That I Am?, Why Does God Not Stop All the Suffering in the World?, The Authority of Christ and the First Day Sabbath, The Fires of Pentecost, Foolish Questions, War Psalms of the Prince of Peace, A Viper on Malta, Whatever Happened to Sin?, Is There Hope for the Future?, The Heart of the Reformation, True Discipleship, Horses to Those Who Can Ride Them, Cursed Is He Who Keeps Back His Sword, From Here to Eternity, Jabesh Gilead and The Ammonites , God's Pathway to Joy, Worship in Song, Praying For Justice, Christians and Conflict, To Change the World and An Attitude of Gratitude. New Audio Lectures New lectures produced for the Reformation Society and now available on audio CD include: What Every Christians Needs to Know about the Inquisition, How Do you Know There is a God?, What is Going on in the Middle East?, In the Frontline, A Trail of Betrayal, St. Patrick of Ireland, Biblical Foundations for Calvinism, Aren't All Religions the Same?, KJV 400, Evidences for the Resurrection, The French Revolution, John and Charles Wesley, The Pre-Reformers, The Great Siege of Malta, What About All the Hypocrites in the Church?, Mary Antoinette, Stanley's Quest for Livingstone, Henry Morton Stanley, Understanding the Crusades, Mary Slessor, C.T. Studd - Cricketer for Christ, The Battle of Lepanto, The Reformation in Switzerland, Gustavus Adolphus - The Lion from the North, The Bombing of Cities in WWII and Propaganda. New MP3 Boxsets New MP3 boxsets produced this year include: Devotionals for Radio (50 messages), Salt and Light Volume 3, (29 programmes), Biblical Worldview Summit - January 2011 (42 lectures on two MP3 discs), South Africa for Christ (37 lectures on two MP3 discs), Zambia for Christ (21 messages), Biblical Worldview Summit - June 2011 (37 lectures on two MP3 discs), Answering Skeptics (32 messages on two MP3 discs), Great Commission Course - 2011 (38 messages), and Soldiers for Christ (23 messages). AV Donations During this last year our Audio Visual department produced for our Mission to donate to pastors, teachers, chaplains and Evangelists, to Bible College libraries and Missions throughout Africa: 2,635 DVDs, 1,214 CDs, 541 MP3 boxsets, 86 5-disc audio boxsets, 54 6-disc boxsets, 9 10-disc audio boxsets and 28 12-disc audio boxsets. Christian Liberty Books By God's grace, the ministry of Christian Liberty Books has continued to grow throughout 2011, particularly in providing Christian textbooks to Home schoolers and Christian schools. Best sellers during 2011 were: Slavery, Terrorism and Islam - The Historical Roots and Contemporary Threat, Make a Difference - A Christian Action Handbook for Southern Africa, Biblical Principles for Africa, Practical Discipleship, Faith Under Fire in Sudan, The Discipleship Training Manual, The Pink Agenda, Character Assassins, The KJV Study Bible, Answering Skeptics, Reforming our Families and Operation World. The best selling Audio resources were: KJV 400, South African History boxset, Evangelism and Discipleship MP3 boxset, Answering Skeptics MP3 boxset, South Africa for Christ MP3 boxset, The Crusades & Jihad, When All Men Speak Well of You, and What is Going on in the Middle East? Frontline Fellowship News During 2011, Frontline Fellowship News has dealt with: Southern Sudan Votes for Freedom, Middle East Aflame, Bishop Bullen Dolli of Sudan and Understand Islam - Evangelise Muslims, Reformation in Zambia, Mission to Mpumalanga, Mission to Zimbabwe, Churches Bombed in Nigeria and Burned in Ethiopia, South Sudan Celebrates Successful Struggle for Secession, Christians Targeted in the Nuba Mountains, 20 Years of Biblical Worldview Seminars in Africa, Great Commission Course, Loziland for Christ, Africa for Christ, Bibles for Africa, South Africa Mission, Tugela Valley Mission and Living by Faith. Frontline E-Updates 117 E-updates were sent out to our general e-mailing list. Aside from Prayer and Praise Updates, Field Updates and Gospel Defence League Letters, these included: Reclaiming Campuses for Christ, Abortion is Murder, Media Censorship and Pro-Choice Hypocrisy, The Worst Hypocrites in History, 17 March is St. Patrick's Day, When Natural Disasters Hit, How to Be Effective in Missions Without Becoming a Victim, Do You Want to Change Your World?, KJV 400, Ministers Conference at KwaSizabantu, Winning the World War of Worldviews, 18 April - Martin Luther-s Date with Destiny, The Blood of the Lamb, Christ is Risen Indeed! Evidences for the Resurrection, Egalitarianism, What Proof Do You Have that the Bible is the Word of God?, 2 June is Ascension Day, When All Men Speak Well of You, Pentecost and the 1860 Revival, A Tribute to Fano Sibisi, A Biblical Response to Slander, The French Revolution, Christians Targeted in the Nuba Mountains of Sudan, South Sudan Celebrates Successful Struggle for Secession, What the Lord Jesus Teaches on Hell, The Great Siege of Malta, Is the Doctrine of the Trinity Taught in the Bible?, A Tale of Four People, Birth of a New Nation, Whatever Happened to Sin?, The Battle of Lepanto, Persecution in the Bible, New IDOP Africa Website Launched, 31 October is Reformation Day, Halloween and the Bible, Persecution in History, The Greatest Century of Reformation, Serving the Persecuted, Praying for Justice, Remember Rhodesia - Pray for Zimbabwe, You Can Make A Difference!, Music in Life and Worship and The Day of the Covenant. Christian Action Christian Action Magazine articles in 2011 have included: 20 Years of Christian Action, Conviction and Courage, National Day of Repentance, Empowering Young People to Transform Campuses for Christ, Media Censorship and Pro-life Hypocrisy, War Against God, Your Vote Counts, Women at Risk Worldwide, C. A. N. Conferences in Zambia, KJV 400, Christian Action Network Working for Reformation Throughout Africa, Testimonies on 20 Years of Christian Action, Take Action to Protect Women, Hate Speech?, You Can Make a Difference!, Missions in the Mall, A Tribute to Fano Sibisi , International Life Chain Sunday, Women's Day Outreaches, Biblical Worldview Summit, Bring Back Biblical Girlhood, 16 Years of Salt and Light, The Belhar Confession, Why Does God Not Stop All the Suffering?, God Among the Zulus - 60 Incredible Years of Ministry, Clinton Global Initiative to Promote Abortion in Africa, International Life Chain, A New Battle for the Bible and Stop Human Trafficking! An average of 3,000 copies of each edition of Christian Action Magazine are printed and distributed. Christian Action sent out over 200 different News Items, or Articles, during the year. To celebrate the 20 th anniversary of Africa Christian Action, a three-disc DVD boxset with over 8 hours of Christian Action film was produced. This was premiered on the evening of 17 March, as friends and co-workers of ACA gathered at Livingstone House to give thanks to the Lord for His gracious protection, provision and blessing throughout the last two decades. JOY! Magazine As contributing Editor of JOY! Magazine, I regularly drive to Somerset West to conduct staff training, for editing and to present Devotions to the staff. I wrote 32 articles for JOY! Magazine during 2011. Articles published during this year included: Jesus on Trial, Is Religion a Crutch for the Weak?, The Lost Art of Respect, How Do You Know that Jesus is Alive?, St. Patrick, The Middle East Crisis, Does God Cause Natural Disasters?, What About Hypocrites in the Church?, Winning the Vikings to Christ, Is the Doctrine of the Trinity Really Taught in the Bible?, Whatever Happened to Sin?, Remember the Persecuted, The Miraculous Birth of Christ, and numerous news articles. Half a million copies of JOY! And JUIG! Magazines were printed throughout the year, impacting 2 million readers. There are an average of 42,000 words per issue, that is over 460,000 words to proof read each year! The 100 prayer partners of JOY! spent 12 days of fasting for the ministry of the magazine and 2,600 gifts were mailed to new subscribers. Numerous of my articles have also been translated into Afrikaans and published in the sister magazine, JUIG! 30,000 copies of JUIG! are being printed each edition, including 2,000 JUIG! Namibia . (visit: and Websites 14 websites are maintained by the Mission. Amongst them are: The website received over 2 million hits. 66% of the visitors were from North America, 22% from Europe, 5% from Africa, 3% from Asia, and the rest from Australasia and South America. Most visitors came from the United States, France, United Kingdom, South Africa, Ukraine, The Netherlands, Germany, Canada, Australia and Sweden. Our website received 1,984,130 hits, of which 64% of the visitors came from the United States, 5.8% from South Africa, 4.44% from the United Kingdom and other prominent viewings came from the Netherlands, Germany, Canada and Ukraine. The website received 384,528 hits. 62% of the visits came from the United States, 8.43% from the United Kingdom, 3.65% from South Africa, 3.11% from China, 2.93% from France, 1.41% from Germany. Our website received 54,330 hits. 82% of the visitors came from the United States, the balance from China, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, Germany, South Africa, the Netherlands, Ukraine and Mauritius. Sermons and articles from Frontline Fellowship were accessed or downloaded 19,078 times. Most of the audio messages were downloaded in North America with 8, 417,797 KB bandwidth. The website received 132,444 hits. 75% of the visitors came from the United States, most of the rest from China, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Canada, Hong Kong, the Netherlands and Ukraine. The (William Carey Bible Institute) website received 14,232 hits. Most of the page views (58%) were in North America. Almost 20% were in Asia. 11.46% in Europe and 9.66% in Africa. Financial Report In his Internal Audit Report, our Auditor wrote: "I am very pleased with the meticulous way in which Johan is keeping all records relating to CLB which now has not-for-gain status with the Revenue authorities... I have checked on transfers/payments between CLB and Frontline Fellowship and am satisfied that they are completely in order. ...I have inspected all cash records and payments... I am happy that in all respects record keeping has been meticulously done... I have inspected the Constitution... this contains many improvements over the Constitution which I last inspected some years ago. ..." Thank You The missionaries and staff of Frontline Fellowship join me in expressing our deep gratitude for your prayers, encouragement and support. We have so much to praise and thank God for. He has protected us from all danger, blessed and multiplied our humble, inadequate efforts for the extension of His Kingdom. We are deeply grateful for all of His gracious provisions and magnificent answers to so many prayers. We count it a privilege to be His sons and daughters, His servants and soldiers, serving the suffering, training and mobilizing soul winners and nation transformers. By God's grace and mercy, we trust our Lord Jesus Christ for an even more productive and effective year of ministry in 2012. This Year We Will Be Celebrating the 30th Anniversary of our Mission Frontline Fellowship exists to glorify God by working for the fulfillment of the Great Commission. We seek to serve suffering Christians, to speak up for the persecuted, exposing the persecutors, concentrating on neglected areas, evangelizing in restricted access areas, working for Biblical Reformation and praying for spiritual Revival throughout Africa. It is our fervent prayer that God may mercifully empower a Biblical Reformation and send spiritual Revival to transform this continent in conflict. The Great Commission is our supreme ambition. We pray and work to see lives changed, families strengthened, churches revived and communities transformed by the Grace of God and through the power of His Word. Our vision is Africa for Christ. In these difficult and dangerous days on this volatile continent, we pray that the Lord God may enable us to be faithful to His Word and effective in His service. Yours for the complete and utter destruction of Communism, Islam and Humanism, and for the fulfillment of the Great Commission. Dr. Peter Hammond Director Frontline Fellowship PO Box 74 Newlands, 7725, Cape Town, South Africa Tel: 021-689-4480 Fax: 021-685-5884 E-mail: [email protected]
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December 2024