![]() To read a PDF of this article, Click Here “Those who sow in tears shall reap in joy. He who continually goes forth weeping, bearing seed for sowing, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him.” Psalm 126:5-6 Conscience Captive to the Word of God Reformation 500 This year, to mark the 500th anniversary of Professor Martin Luther’s courageous stand before the emperor, 18th April 1521, we organised and hosted the Reformation 500 Conscience Captive to the Word of God Conference. Conscience Captive to the Word of God was a theme throughout the year for many services, seminars, radio and TV programmes. You can view the presentations here. You can read the Cape Town Declaration – Steadfast in the Storm here. “Contend earnestly for the Faith which was once for all delivered to the saints.” Jude 3 ![]() Faith, Family and the Future ACA 30 Years To mark 30 years of Africa Christian Action, we hosted the Faith, Family and the Future Conference on Ascension Day, 13 May. The videos of this conference can be viewed here. ![]() Stand for Life Outreaches When lockdown regulations prevented our annual March for Life to Parliament, we organised Stand for Life outreaches at eight different busy traffic intersections throughout the Cape Peninsula, distributing over 4,500 Pro-life and evangelistic leaflets and Gospel booklets to passing motorists. You can view the Stand for Life video that we produced here. “Wisdom calls aloud outside; she raises her voice in the open squares. She cries out in the chief concourses, at the openings of the gates in the city she speaks her words …” Proverbs 1: 20 – 22 ![]() 30 Years of Biblical Worldview Summits This year also marked 30 years of conducting Biblical Worldview Summits. Despite level 3 lockdown restrictions, we still managed to conduct a successful Biblical Worldview Summit. You can view a video Christopher made on this year’s BWS here. Videos of the presentations can be viewed here. “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind …” Romans 12:2 ![]() 30 Years of Back to the Bible Mission This year also marked the 30th anniversary of Back to the Bible Mission and we produced a video documentary celebrating 30 years of Back to the Bible Mission and helped organise and establish their new Emmanuel Library with over 14,000 titles. You can view Libraries are Gyms for the Mind here. You can view the video we produced on 30 Years of Back to the Bible Mission here. “… to declare to you the whole counsel of God.” Acts 20:27 ![]() 10th Anniversary of the Independence of South Sudan This year also marked a major milestone with South Sudan celebrating the 10th anniversary of their successful struggle for self-determination and secession from the Arab North. It was a major victory against the oppressive Sha’ria law of the National Islamic Front government of Sudan. “… proclaim liberty throughout all the land to all its inhabitants …” Leviticus 25:10 ![]() Bibles for South Sudan We organised shipments of Bibles in indigenous Sudanese languages to be delivered to pastors and chaplains in South Sudan. “Cush will submit herself to God.” Psalm 68:31 ![]() Bibles, Books and Medicines to the Nuba Mountains We also organised Bibles and Christian school textbook shipments, Digital Libraries and audio Bibles for the beleaguered Christians of the Nuba Mountains. Dr. J. Pons, an eye surgeon and Johan of Doctors for Life travelled to the Nuba Mountains and conducted a successful medical mission, performing 153 cataract surgeries, in many cases literally enabling the blind to see. Over 1,500 Bibles were distributed in the Nuba Mountains and 30 audio Bibles were distributed during this mission. “Heal the sick … freely you have received, freely give.” Matthew 10:8 ![]() Literature for Africa During 2021 Literature for Africa received 76 tonnes of resources and distributed 71 tonnes. This included: 20,510 Bibles; 28,126 Theological and Library books; 58,080 children’s Sunday school booklets and manuals; 37,980 Gospels of John and Epistles of Roman booklets; 16,260 Bible study books; 127,900 youth/adult group study packs, magazines and devotionals; 1,700 Chapel Library booklets; 69,600 tracts; 1,157 Scripture memory card packs; 10,230 DVD’s and CD’s and 2,086,360 World Missionary Press Gospel booklets. This is a total of 2,496,603 Scriptural, evangelistic and discipleship resources. You can read the full Literature for Africa Report with the Answers to Prayer From the Mailbag testimonies here. “So shall My Word be that goes forth from My mouth; it shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.” Isaiah 55:11 ![]() 20 Years of Literature4Africa Next year our Literature for Africa ministry will celebrate 20 years of supplying hundreds of tonnes of Bibles, New Testaments, Gospel booklets, Christian textbooks and Sunday school materials throughout Southern and Central Africa. You can view our Literature 4 Africa video here and our Bibles for Africa video here. ![]() 40 Years of Frontline – Behind Enemy Lines for Christ God willing, 2022 Frontline Fellowship will celebrate 40 years since our first cross-border mission into Mozambique, April 1982. I am planning to have my book: Frontline – Behind Enemy Lines for Christ completed, published and available in time to mark this four-decade milestone of ministry in Restricted Access Areas serving persecuted churches. ![]() Africa Overland Missions to Remote Regions Despite on-going, erratic, irrational and inconsistent bureaucratic regulations and restrictions, we have succeeded in conducting extensive Africa overland missions throughout Zambia, Malawi and Mozambique, conducting film evangelism and mass literature distribution, outreaches, school ministry, women’s ministry, leadership training for pastors, chaplains, evangelists and teachers. Our team delivered tonnes of Bibles and books to remote regions, even to areas where not even the pastor had a Bible, or New Testament! ![]() 20 Years of Covenant College Zambia Our mission team was able to visit and see the development of Covenant College which marked 20 years since it was established by Frontline Fellowship. ![]() Muslim Evangelism Our mission team also ministered in areas of Malawi, Zambia and Mozambique where over 95% of the population were Muslim. By God’s grace, our missionaries in Cape Town have been conducting Bible studies with Muslims and developing regular outreaches and presentations in Muslim communities. You can visit and share www.TheMessageofNabiisa.org. “For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes …” Romans 1:16 ![]() Missions to The Transvaal, Mpumalanga and KwaZulu Along with conducting a Biblical Worldview Seminar in Pretoria, the Biblical Worldview Summit near Cape Town and the Great Commission Course, I conducted missions to the Transvaal, Mpumalanga and KwaZulu. I spent two weeks at Back to the Bible Mission, which included presenting lectures on Reformation History. I was a guest speaker at KragDag in the Transvaal where over 6,000 farmers gathered. I was also invited to be a speaker at the Youth Conference at KwaSizabantu Mission in KwaZulu. In the last year I have conducted over 440 meetings, including more than 200 radio and TV programmes. ![]() Radio and TV Ministry Every week I present From the Frontline, Christian Perspective on the News for Radio Cape Pulpit and programmes for English Radio host Andrew Harrington Hitchcock. We continue to host the Salt and Light radio programme which is broadcast on Radio Tygerberg. This we have done for over 27 years. Every month I have ministry opportunities on a variety of radio stations and some TV shows across America and with Loving Life TV broadcasting out of Australia. On occasions I have radio and TV interviews with stations as far afield as the Netherlands, Germany, Kenya, Zambia and New Zealand. I was also a speaker at the National Alliance for Life Conference and with a number of other international events by Zoom or Skype. ![]() William Carey Bible Institute Satellite School in North Africa This year marked an important milestone, as one of our satellite schools in a country in North Africa, held its first graduation service for WCBI students in this Arabic speaking, Muslim country. WCBI (William Carey Bible Institute www.WilliamCareyBI.com) was founded to provide free tertiary education for Christians in Restricted Access Areas. “The discerning heart seeks knowledge …” Proverbs 15:14 Research and Writing Projects Articles, Lectures and sermons that I have produced this year include: Triumph over Temptations; We Are Our Own Worst Enemy; Giving Thanks in All Circumstances; Adventures in Home Schooling; A Balanced and Biblical Response to Lockdowns and Masks; A Macedonia Call for World Changers; The Real Story Behind Fake History and Fake News; Standing for Truth in a Fake World; The Toxic Waste of Bitterness; 30 Years of Africa Christian Action; Standing for Life; Responding to Resistance to Reformation; The Spiritual State of the Nation; Libraries are Gyms for the Mind; True Love is the Fulfilment of God’s Law; Civilisation in Crisis – The Threats that Confront Us; The Inerrancy of Scripture – The Great Watershed; The Cape Town Declaration – Steadfast in the Storm; Wildfires in Cape Town; Putting Feet to Your Faith; Responding to Revolution with Resistance and Reformation; For Faith, the Family and the Future; Godly Zeal vs. Fanaticism; Superficial, Selfish, Satanic Spirituality; What Can We Practically do to Work for Secession, Independence and Freedom?; Hymns, Gospel Songs and Choruses; We Should Pay More Attention to What is Deleted than What is Reported; Communist Chaos and Criminal Opportunism Fuel Riots in South Africa; When the State Fails to Protect Lives and Property; The History Behind the American Retreat and Defeat in Afghanistan; Can You Not Do Something More for God?; 30 Years of Standing for Life and Liberty; The Cape Town Declaration on Human Rights, Informed Consent and Freedom of Choice; Mission to the Transvaal; Upheaval in Sudan; Lenora Hammond Has Fought Her Final Battle with Pain; Steadfast in Suffering; Should Vaccinations Be Made Mandatory?; Without a Vision a People Perish; Live Not By Lies, 1666 and the Sabbatean Roots of the New World Disorder and Those Who Hate God Love Death. Audios, Videos and Power Points Many of these were made into Power Points and videos. Those that were presented as lectures can also be listened to on our sermonaudio page. Many of these and other articles can be accessed on our www.FrontlineMissionSA.org; www.LivingstoneFellowship.co.za; www.ReformationSA.org; www.HMSSchoolofChristianJournalism.org and www.ChristianAction.org.za websites. ![]() Magazine Articles Aside from regular articles that I write for Frontline Fellowship, Africa Christian Action, Gospel Defence League and Henry Morton Stanley School of Christian Journalism, I also write regular articles for other publications worldwide. This last year I wrote 74 articles. ![]() Creation Science Ministry We hosted Creation Science Author and Engineer, Dr. Philip Stott, at our Biblical Worldview Summit and for a variety of other meetings including a webinar and Creation Science Seminar in the Upper Room, Bathman Memorial Hall. The videos and audios of Philip Stott’s Creation Science lectures are available on our www.FrontlineMissionSA.org website. “For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse.” Romans 1:20 ![]() 16 Years of the Reformation Society Our Reformation Society, which has been meeting every Thursday night for the last 16 years, has seen its attendance double since the Upper Room was built. We also held a Classical Music Concert on Heritage Day and a Variety Concert and Awards for the Reformation Art & Essay Competition, along with our Home Education Fair. Other missions have also made use of our expanded residential facilities at Livingstone House and of the Upper Room. ![]() Biblical Preaching Workshops Hunter and Daniel have organised four Biblical Preaching Course workshops and a variety of other events. You can view videos of these Biblical Preaching Workshops, or listen to audios of the lectures, on our www.FrontlineMissionSA.org audio and video pages. Leadership Training and Muslim Evangelism Hunter reports conducting 89 Bible studies and outreaches in Muslim communities, he organised four Biblical Preaching Workshops, a Students Café, a Christmas Meeting and a Two-Week course in a Muslim area. He also presented 35 sermons, devotions and lectures and 36 radio programmes. ![]() Rhodesia Association of South Africa For the last six years I have served as chaplain to the local Flame Lily Foundation-Cape Peninsula, conducting their Remembrance services each November. For the last three years I have been Chairman of Flame Lily Foundation-Cape Peninsula. This has involved giving presentations to members gathered every month, either in the MOTH hall, or in the Methodist church hall, in Fish Hoek. I now edit the Fish Eagle and Rhosarian magazines and we host the Rhodesia Heritage Library. You can view the RASA website here and the Flame Lily Foundation – Cape Peninsula Facebook page here. I regularly contribute to the Rhodesians Worldwide magazine and Reclaiming Rhodesia. We are caring for 14 destitute Rhodesian pensioners and supporting food parcels to pensioners in Zimbabwe, along with our Boxes with Love programme. ![]() Wildfires and Widespread Looting As Cape Town was hit by devastating wildfires on 18 April, I conducted investigative journalism to expose the arson and cover-ups and the agenda behind it. You can read my article, and view the video exposing the arson and cover-ups behind the wildfires in Cape Town, click here. The communist chaos, looting and riots which devastated so much of KwaZulu/Natal and Gauteng from 9 July on also needed a clear response and led to many radio and TV programmes, public meetings and articles published worldwide. View my presentation here. Read the article here. ![]() Cape Independence Forum For over two years I have been the Chairman of the Cape Independence Forum, hosting meetings every month and negotiating and counselling with various leaders in this growing movement. This has led to the publication of the Cape Independence Handbook, which includes Eye-witness to Successful Secessions and Secessions in the Bible and in History. These are available freely on our new website: www.capeofgoodhope.africa. You can also visit our new The Cape of Good Hope Facebook page here. ![]() Resisting the Revolutionary Globalist Agenda I have numerous opportunities to speak to protestors marching or rallying against the lockdown lunacy, masquerade madness, salvation by vaccination Covid Cult and the increasingly irrational and intrusive state regulations that have silenced, sidelined and shut down thousands of churches country wide. Many ministry opportunities have developed out of these, including to Muslim communities. The threat to Faith and Freedom by increasingly arbitrary restrictions clearly advancing a globalist agenda must be resisted. More churches have been closed in the name of fighting a virus than the combined total closed by communistic dictators Stalin and MaoTse-Tung during the Cold War. ![]() Biblical Issues Voters Guide This last year, being a municipal election year, we updated our Biblical Issues Voters Guide and another Voters Guide on where the various parties stand on decentralisation, referendums, self-determination and secession and where the different parties stand with regard to masks, lockdowns, mandatory vaccinations and vaccine passports. This led to many radio and TV interviews. I was also asked to draft the Cape Town Declaration on Human Rights and Informed Consent. All this you can access on our www.SAvotersguide.org website. ![]() Publications We also completely revised, updated and expanded our Salt and Light Starter Pack, the Frontline Fellowship Handbook and Great Commission Handbook. We are completing an unpublished manuscript of Rev. Bill Bathman’s: Reformation and Revival in Romania which should be ready for printing early in the new year. We placed five our most popular titles on Print on Demand, making them readily available worldwide: Victorious Christians who Changed the World; Greatest Century of Reformation; Greatest Century of Missions; Slavery, Terrorism and Islam – the Historical Roots and Contemporary Threat and Security and Survival Handbook. Thirty of our books are now available as e-books. ![]() New Book for Educators We brought to publication Professor Deborah Pelzmann’s (my sister in-law) book: She Who is Called To Teach. With Deborah’s extensive and innovative experience in four countries, on three continents, in two hemispheres, there is much to encourage, edify and empower educators in this insightful book. ![]() Real History Resources We also launched a new website dedicated to Historic articles, audio lectures, Power Points and videos: www.realhistoryresources.org Witnessing Through the World Wide Web Frontline Fellowship maintains sixteen active websites, which have over 300,000 articles and links. In the last year these websites received 269,447 page views from 122,670 new users. The most popular web site is our: www.FrontlineMissionSA.org which received 58,726 page views from 27,182 visitors. www.ChristianLibertyBooks.co.za received 50,993 page views from 14,335 visitors. www.ReformationSA.org received 33,270 page views from 19,284 visitors. www.Christianaction.org.za received 32,409 page views from 20,560 visitors. www.Reform500.org received 19,022 page views from 10, 625 visitors. www.LivingstoneFellowship.org.za website received 7,099 page views from 3,819 visitors. www.HMSSchoolofChristianJournalism.org received 9,771 page views from 6,020 visitors. www.LivingstoneFellowship.co.za received 7,099 page views from 3,819 visitors. www.WilliamCareyBI.com received 6,779 page views from 2,674 visitors. www.GospelDefenceLeague.org received 5,589 page views from 3, 754 visitors. www.TheMessageofNabiIsa.org received 2,770 page views from 774 visitors. ![]() Vimeo We uploaded 113 new videos onto our Vimeo channel this year and now have 642 videos with a total of 26,053 views this year by 15,354 visitors. On our YouTube channel we have 185 videos uploaded, 579 subscribers and 39,572 views this last year. Sermonaudio This year we uploaded 104 sermons, presentations and lectures onto our sermonaudio page which now has over 1,000 messages recorded available online. We now have over 202,000 listeners on this channel. Power Points This year we uploaded another 32 of my Power Point presentations onto slideshare, making a total of 353 presentations available online. Downloads this year: 109,235. ![]() From the Frontline This year we uploaded 50 new podcasts and now have a total of 200 podcasts which have received over 4,595 downloads on Podbean. Sound Cloud This year we uploaded 114 audio tracks, making a total of 743 audio programmes and presentations available online. Sound Cloud recorded over 5,719 plays of our audio tracks this year. Audio Visual Boxsets This year 3 new MP3 audio, DVD and Data Disc boxsets were produced, including the Great Commission Course – 6-disc boxset and the Biblical Worldview Summit – 6-disc boxset. We also produced a BWS 2-disc DVD boxset. ![]() Christian Liberty Books – Bestselling Books The overwhelming majority of books and audio-visual materials sold by CLB in the last year were Home Education books. Our Best Sellers for 2021 were: Sketse uit die Suid-Afrikaanse Geskiedenis; Security and Survival Handbook; Sketches from South African History; Greatest Century of Missions; Genocide of the Boers; Tien Gebooie; Reforming our Families; Praktiese Dissipelskap and Under Fire in South Africa. Most popular Audio Visuals The most popular audio MP3 boxsets were: Heroes of the Faith; Finally Free – Purity is Possible; and Sketse uit die Suid-Afrikaanse Geskiedenis MP3. The most popular DVD’s were: Genesis; Paradise Lost; Agenda – Grinding America Down; Agenda 2 – Masters of Deceit; David Livingstone – Missionary Explorer to Africa and Call for Discernment. CLB sold 1,904 items and sent out 203 parcels by courier. ![]() Events and New Catalogue For KragDag, Home School Expos and the Home Education Fair, we designed and printed a new full-colour Home Education catalogue of in-house and education books and biographies. ![]() Living Waters Africa Numerous Living Water tracts and leaflets were reprinted, with permission, under license, in South Africa. This dramatically reduces the costs and therefore the price. The best seller for Living Waters Africa remains the Evidence Bible. Some of the popular leaflets which are now printed in South Africa include: The Atheist Test; The Million Dollar Bill; The Trillion Dollar Bill and Are You a Good Person? ![]() Printing Projects Printing projects this year included: Abortion – The Facts and Considering Abortion in time for our March for Life/Stand for Life campaign; It’s My Body; Dit Is My Lyf and Considering Abortion for the Life Chain; and the Biblical Issues Voters Guides. Other printing items were evangelistic and teaching tracts; Fire of Pentecost; Abortion – The Facts; What Really Matters?; Philemon – Set Free to Serve Christ; Waar Gaan Jy die Ewigheid Deurbring?; Shattered Hopes – Broken Dreams and Die Harde Woorde van Jesus. ![]() Communications Our Frontline secretary informs me that she typed 779 of my letters, 25 Livingstone Fellowship sermons, sent out 182 emails on the Frontline Fellowship Bulk email list, 38 emails to the Gospel Defence League email list, 145 messages to the ACA e-groups, 69 messages to Christian Action Network bulk mailing list; 72 emails to Reformation Society members and friends; another 46 emails to Reformation Society Cape Town Events bulk mailing list. She also typed up 49 Reformation Society lectures; 5 Prayer and Praise Updates; 6 Answers to Critical Questions as well as Tributes, Memos, Film Reviews and Articles for various magazines. My computer informs me that I have generated more than 1,000 memos and 3,200 letters this last year. Film Projects Ndumiso reports that he has produced videos on the Biblical Worldview Summit 2021; Stand for Life; 30 Years of Back to the Bible Mission; Life Chain 2021; Heritage Day Classical Music Concert; Spoken Word in Poetry and TTUG talks. Our most popular film on Vimeo this year was the Stand for Life. ![]() Lenora and Her Legacy The traumatic deterioration in health of my wife, Lenora, necessitated that we care for her at home. She did not want to die in hospital amongst strangers when not even visits would be allowed. Therefore, we rose to the challenge of receiving instruction and equipment from Hospice to make Lenora’s last months as comfortable as possible. It was always Lenora’s desire to have her children “no further than 5 minutes away” and to live to see her grandchildren. By God’s grace, all four of our children and our three grandchildren live at our fairly crowded home. Lenora would light up every time she saw her grandsons come into the room. ![]() Thank You for Your Prayers, Love, Encouragement and Support We have been overwhelmed by the love, support and prayers of our friends and intercessors worldwide. You can view the tributes and eulogies to Lenora at the Memorial Service which was held in the Upper Room, Bathman Memorial Hall and the Funeral service at the Dutch Reformed Church in Franschhoek. We praised God for the birth of our third grandson, Oliver David in May of this year. Lenora has left behind a tremendous legacy in her children and grandchildren and in the beautiful home, the Livingstone House Upper Room extension project and gardens which she invested so much into. ![]() Upcoming Events Please pray for our Upcoming Events which include: a Mission to a Restricted Access Area in North Africa, the delivery of Digital Libraries, audio Bibles and other Arabic Scriptures to a Restricted Access Area in North Africa; Special Projects Bible deliveries in indigenous languages to mission stations, schools, colleges and churches throughout Africa; the Biblical Worldview Summit (6 – 13 January 2022); the publication of “Frontline – Behind Enemy Lines for Christ”; “Reformation and Revival in Romania” and the Great Commission Handbook. We are also organising the Sanctity Life Sunday (29 January 2022) and March for Life to Parliament (1 February 2022) to mark the anniversary of the legalisation of abortion in South Africa. We have numerous missionary and staff training programmes and outreaches scheduled in January and more cross-border missions planned. The mission team which left on the Africa Overland Mission to Zambia, Malawi and Mozambique is still in the field and we are praying for their safe return before our Biblical Worldview Summit. ![]() It is our duty and destiny to be involved in ministry of multiplication with a multi-generational vision. We are called to be steadfast and faithful as we encourage, equip and empower evangelists and Bible teachers to seek first the Kingdom of God, make disciples of nations and teach obedience to all things that the Lord has commanded. The Great Commission is our Supreme Ambition. Christ’s last command must be our first concern. “And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also. You, therefore, must endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.” 2 Timothy 2:2 – 3 ![]() Thank You The missionaries, interns and staff of Frontline Fellowship join me in expressing our deep gratitude for your prayers, encouragement, love and support. We have much to be grateful for. God has protected us from many dangers, blessed and multiplied our humble, inadequate efforts for the extension of His Kingdom and to serve suffering Christians. We are deeply grateful for all of His provisions and gracious answers to many prayers. It is a tremendous privilege to be His sons and daughters, His servants and soldiers, serving the suffering, training and mobilising evangelists and educators, soul-winners and nation transformers. By God’s grace, we trust our Lord Jesus Christ for a far more productive and effective year of ministry ahead.May God continue to be your strength and shield. Yours for Reformation, Revival and the fulfilment of the Great Commission. Dr. Peter Hammond Director
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December 2024