"Declare His glory among the nations, His wonders among all peoples. For the Lord is great and greatly to be praised; He is to be feared above all …" Psalm 96:3-4 21 YEARS OF GOD'S PROVISION, GUIDANCE, PROTECTION AND BLESSING We praise God for his provision, guidance, protection and blessings throughout 2003. This year we celebrated Frontline Fellowship's 21st Anniversary at a special Missions Rally in the Pinelands Town Hall (14 March). The Chairman of the Board of Frontline Fellowship, Rev. Bill Bathman, and Frontline Fellowship Honorary Member, Rev. Fritz Haus, were our special guest speakers. NEW FIELDS 2003 was a year of tremendous growth in Frontline Fellowship. I had the joy of conducting our first mission trip to Nigeria, conducting Muslim Evangelism Workshops and a Reformation Conference there. I also conducted my first speaking tours to Australia and Canada. We also greatly intensified our ministry to Zimbabwe, conducting seven mission trips to that troubled land. We re-launched our Box with Love project with special emphasis on smuggling food to starving Christians in Zimbabwe. There was tremendous enthusiasm and support for this timely project. Most FF field trips were concentrated on Zambia and Sudan, however outreaches were also conducted to Mozambique and Malawi, and Tim presented a Biblical Worldview Seminar for church leaders in Kenya.
SPEAKING TOURS AND SEMINARS I conducted 9 ministry trips to 6 countries across 18 time zones in 2003. I conducted 450 meetings, including speaking at 30 conferences and seminars. Highlights included being a speaker at the Ministers Conference at KwaSizabantu Mission, conducting Reformation Seminars, a Muslim Evangelism Workshop and God and Government Seminar in Zambia, the Lets Go Missions Conference hosted by the NGK in Delmas, the Christians For Truth Conference, a History Conference in California, the first International Homo Fascism Conference in Milwaukee, and a Reformation Conference in Australia. Leadership training events sponsored and hosted by Frontline Fellowship included: The Summit Youth Leadership Training Course at Simonstown, the Great Commission Course in Cape Town, and the Reformation Conference. These events attracted participants from Canada, the USA, Zambia, Nigeria, Malawi, Zimbabwe, and from all over South Africa. AFRICA CHRISTIAN ACTION In addition, Africa Christian Action organised and hosted the Week of Action, Sanctity Life Sunday, the National Day of Repentance, National Woman's Day outreaches in shopping malls, the trial and hanging of a rapist drama outside Parliament, an outreach including APLA combatants on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the St James Massacre - at a major shopping mall, the Life Chain, and the Christian Action Conference which 18 organisations were represented at. OUTREACHES IN CAPE TOWN Numerous other outreaches and events were also organised from the Frontline Fellowship headquarters in Cape Town: including many film evangelism and literature outreaches in townships, at railway stations, bus stations, taxi ranks, and a Victims Against Crime dinner. PUBLICATIONS In terms of publications, 2003 was also a landmark year. Our new Biblical Principles for Africa book was launched at a special lunch at Parliament in Cape Town. We have had a tremendous response to the Biblical Principles for Africa, with thousands being sold and very enthusiastic responses flowing in from leaders throughout the continent. In just the last four months it has soared to the top of our best seller list. Many hundreds more are being strategically distributed throughout Africa, being given to government ministers, editors, businessmen and pastors as far afield as Zambia, Zimbabwe, Kenya, Sudan, Nigeria, Ghana, Egypt, etc. We were also able to produce a Teachers Training Manual, a new expanded Biblical Worldview Manual, Muslim Evangelism Workshop Manual and Reformation Conference Manual. We produced three Frontline Fellowship News editions including: Zimbabwe and Zambia - a Tale of Two Countries - and Three Religions; Resisting Sharia in Nigeria; and Working for Reformation in Africa. Scores of e-mail updates were sent out. And the Frontline Fellowship website has been greatly expanded and updated throughout the year. We have also helped other ministries, including Excellence Christian Academy, World Baptist Evangelistic Association, Gospel Defence League, and the Sudan Support Network develop their own websites. Other magazines produced from our offices include the Firearm News magazine and the Christian Action magazine. These are both quarterly magazines with very wide distributions. Both CA and FN have greatly improved their websites this year as well. AUDIO TAPE MINISTRY Another major project for 2003 has been producing audiotape sets on our leadership training courses. Frontline Fellowship now offers the Biblical Worldview Seminar tape set to accompany the new Biblical Worldview Manual, as well as the Summit Course, Great Commission Course, Muslim Evangelism Workshop, Reformation Conference and more are in the pipeline. RADIO PROGRAMME This year also marked the eighth year of Africa Christian Action running the weekly Salt & Light radio programme on Radio Tygerberg. This makes Salt & Light the longest running programme still broadcast by Radio Tygerberg. Charl, Tim, Rob and I also spoke on many international, national and local radio stations. OVERSEAS GUESTS The Frontline Fellowship headquarters in Cape Town has continued to receive interesting guests from all over the world. This year some of our more interesting guests included: Rev. Piotr Zaremba - In Touch Mission International's Bible translator and church planter from Poland; Rev. Kjell Olsen and his family from KwaSizabantu Mission; some missionaries from Khartoum; Steve Evers - the Director of In Touch Mission, and numerous pastors and missionaries from Nigeria, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Canada, and the USA. PERSONNEL Charl van Wyk was promoted to Deputy Director of Frontline Fellowship and Tim Keller was appointed Field Director. They were prayed for and commissioned by Rev. Fritz Haus at the Great Commission Camp. Frontline Administrator Denise Shepstone left us for Australia in September in order to be married. Her position has still to be filled. We also said farewell to Rev. David and Marion Fraser after nearly four years with us. They have retired and returned to Scotland. Rev. Fraser said, before moving, that of his 26 years in missions, the last three years with Frontline Fellowship in Zambia have been the best. COVENANT COLLEGE IN ZAMBIA In October David Fraser had the joy of seeing the first students complete their three year Covenant Bible College programme. Unfortunately, the Baptist Association in Eastern Zambia (which had initially invited Frontline Fellowship to set up the college at their disused mission base, now that Frontline Fellowship has at great expense renovated, restored, repaired, painted and improved the facilities - all the while charging us rent) have now requested us to vacate the premises. So, many volunteers have been trekking up to Eastern Zambia to help build new facilities on the plot of land purchased by the mission for our College. From this base volunteers are providing a medical ministry to the provincial hospital along with a hospital chaplaincy. The farm is enabling the Bible College to be more self sufficient in terms of food requirements for students and staff. Jan van Straaten, who used to be office manager of Frontline Fellowship, now a missionary at Villiersdorp, has accepted the call to replace Rev. Fraser as principal of Covenant College next year. TEXTBOOKS FOR TEACHERS AND TEACHER TRAINING Tim also had the privilege of conducting a week long Teacher Training Seminar in Sudan, and equipping 20 schools with Christian school textbooks. Rob Mc Cafferty, the Communications Director of United Christian Action completed a Teacher Training Manual, and travelled up with Tim to train teachers and equip community Christian Schools in Zambia. We have helped establish a Christian School Association in Zambia and are assisting them with textbooks and training. LITERATURE DISTRIBUTION As always our teams have distributed tonnes of Bibles, Gospel booklets, Christian books and tracts, including 100 000 Gospel booklets from World Missionary Press to Zambia and Zimbabwe, over 1000 Dinka New Testaments to Southern Sudan and over 1000 Krongo New Testaments to the Nuba Mountains. MEDIA Rob also completed the new Biblical Issues Voters Guide. 2004 is an election year for South Africa. Rob's UCA Open Letter To The President challenged President Mbeki about his support for Mugabe's tyranny in Zimbabwe. The Open Letter was published across seven columns, main banner headline for the letters section of the Weekend Argus newspaper. By God's Grace, we have had numerous letters to the editor published throughout the year in the secular press, many radio and TV interviews, including debates on secular, national and prime time stations, as well as a good number of articles published in various magazines. RESOURCES AND PROJECTS You will see from our new missions Resource List a presentation of the books, tape sets and videos available from our mission, and from the Project List some of the priorities we are working on for next year. WRITING PROJECTS I also have several new writing projects in the pipeline including: The Greatest Century of Reformation, a major revision and expansion of Finding Freedom from the Pornography Plague, a Christian History of Africa, and Frontline. PRAYER At the FF headquarters we gather for hymn singing and prayer every day and read the Psalms corporately at lunch. Wednesday afternoons are Bible Study and prayer meetings and we have had several extra-ordinary times of prayer and fasting as well. You will see on our FF website under The Mission, Prayer Needs, a series of Prayer Focus guidelines which we have used in our extended times of intercession. I am most grateful for your prayers, encouragement, advice and support. May the Lord continue to be your strength and shield. Yours for the fulfilment of the Great Commission. Dr Peter Hammond Director
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