Anti-Christian Revolution
Although Christians form the majority in the Central Africa Republic (76% are officially Christian, 32% of the population would be described as Evangelicals) and although Muslims are officially less than 14% of the population, the Islamic supremacists, who are claiming to be the new government, are targeting Christians for looting, beating, raping and murder. Atrocities Pastors and other Christian leaders have been shot, collection money has been stolen, worship services have been disrupted, funeral processions attacked, in what local Christians describe as a reign of terror. Human Rights Watch has reported grave violations of human rights by the Muslim Seleka rebels against civilians. This has included wholesale theft, looting, rape, torture and summary executions. Amongst the atrocities reported, is an attack on a church in the capital, Bangui. Muslim Jihadists walked into the church, firing into the air and robbed the worshippers. Refugees More than 200,000 people have fled their homes to hide in the countryside and are described as "internally displaced." 49,000 Refugees from Central Africa Republic have been registered in neighbouring countries. Funeral Procession Attacked On 13 April, at Ngaragba Bridge in Banjui, Seleka forces opened fire on a funeral procession. As a pastor walked towards the forces with his Bible in his hand, calling for them to stop shooting, and recognise that this was a congregation of mourners for a funeral, he was shot dead. Christians report being tied up, beaten, and terrorised by the Muslim Seleka forces. Ruined by Corruption The Central African Republic is a land-locked state north of the Congo, West of Sudan and South of Chad. The terrain varies from tropical forest in the South to semi-desert in the North. There are 80 ethnic groups in C.A.R. The official languages are French and Sango. Although rich in natural and mineral resources, the Central African Republic remains undeveloped and ruined by corruption. Pray for Central African Republic The country received its independence from France in 1960. Its independence has been marred by frequent conflict, tribal warfare, the bizarre 1976-1979 Central African Empire of Bokassa, and raids from the LRA terrorists operating mostly from within Sudan and Uganda. The seemingly never-ending series of coups, counter-coups, and revolutions have devastated the economy and infrastructure. The public debt of the Central African Republic exceeds its Gross Domestic Product. "And if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it; or if one member is honoured, all the members rejoice with it. Now you are the Body of Christ and members individually." 1 Corinthians 12:26-27 Dr. Peter Hammond Frontline Fellowship P.O. Box 74 Newlands 7725 Cape Town South Africa Tel: 021-689-4480 Fax: 021-685-5884 Email: [email protected] Website: See also: A Different Kind of War Jihad Against Christians in Africa Understanding Islam – Evangelising Muslims Christians Under Attack Praying for Justice
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