![]() Black clad Muslim terrorists attacked Christians in the Northern Nigeria State of Kaduna on Saturday night, 23 February. Witnesses said that the gunmen spoke in Fulani. The majority of the Fulani tribe are Muslim. The assailants carried sophisticated weapons and shot up the Christian village on a 3-hour killing spree. Without Warning
John Audi, of St. Patrick's Church said: "The raid came as a shock, as area Christians had been living without enmity toward anyone. We were all scattered, and some that were shot were crying. We all ran for cover where we believed we could avoid being hit by the bullets." Failure of Security Forces Bishop Danlami Bello, of the First African Church commented: "This village was attacked for three hours, yet no help came to our people here. These attacks have gone unhindered without security agencies coming to the scenes of the attacks to assist the Christian victims. There is no doubt that this attack, like many others on Christian communities in Northern Nigeria, were by Muslim leaders in Nigeria to Islamise the country by force; forcing Christians into submitting to Islam." Victims of Jihad Rev. Casmire Yabo, of the First African Church Mission in Aduwan, said that church members who hid in the bushes reported seeing 10 assailants leaving after the attack. Amongst the slain was an infant, Alexander Blessed and a young girl, Happiness Adamu. 22-year old Felix Saul of Rebok village was killed in the attack. He was a final year student at a public high school and a member of the church choir. Also killed were Theresa Bulus, 35-year old member of the Baptist Church of Kagaro, and 20-year old, Yacham Ayuba, of the First African Church Mission in Madobiya. At least 5 people from 5 different churches were killed during this terrorist raid and 11 Christians were hospitalised. Martha Blessed was shot as she tried to protect her infant son. Bullets broke both legs of a 13-year old Christian girl, Gloria Livinus. Church Bombed The Evangelical Church Winning All (ECWA) auditorium was damaged in a bomb blast. Cracks caused by the explosion have destabilised the structure which could fall at any time. Bishop Bello called for sustained prayer for Christians under attack in Northern Nigeria and urged Christians worldwide to call on their governments to assist the Nigerian governments in defending against such Islamic terror attacks. Do Christians Care About Their Persecuted Brethren? Nigerian Christians who visited our Mission last night expressed their frustration at how so many Christians in the West seem to ignore the rising tide of anti-Christian violence throughout the Middle East. The Church is meant to be one Body. Where is the love and concern for our brethren? Many Christians seem to want to delude themselves that Islam is a peaceful and tolerant religion. It is a good thing they are peaceful and tolerant - imagine if they were violent! "Their feet are swift to shed blood; destruction and misery are in their ways; and the way of peace they have not known. There is no fear of God before their eyes." Romans 3:15-18 Pray for Nigeria It is so important for our brethren in Northern Nigeria know that they are not alone, that they are not forgotten. Christian Civilisation at Risk Our Nigerian brethren are also deeply concerned over the Islamic invasion of much of Europe and North America. They fear that Europe will become Eurabia, and that parts of America and Canada will fall under Shari'a law. Many Christians are having such small families and the Muslims are having such large families. Because of this massive migration by Muslims into Western countries which have traditionally been Christian, the whole demographics of Europe and North America are in danger of shifting. The faith and freedoms of those countries which are traditional Missionary sending nations are being undermined. There is an urgent need for Church to wake up and understand the true nature of Islam and the crisis threatening churches worldwide. Persecution Today More than 400 million Christians in 66 countries worldwide suffer under religious persecution. Yet little is heard about this and many churches give little, or no, attention to remembering the persecuted, praying for the persecuted and serving the persecuted Churches. "Remember the prisoners as if chained with them - those who are mistreated - since you yourselves are in the body also." Hebrews 13:3 Dr. Peter Hammond Frontline Fellowship P.O. Box 74 Newlands 7725 Cape Town South Africa Tel: 021-689-4480 Email: Website: www.frontline.org.za See also: Jihad Against Christians in Africa Understanding Islam – Evangelising Muslims Christians Under Attack Persecution Explodes as Muslims Come to Christ Genocide in the Nuba Mountains of Sudan Pray for Christians Under Fire in Nigeria, Sudan and Tunisia Urgent Call for Prayer for Christians Under Fire in Africa Sudan Government Destroys Churches and Attacks Bible College in Khartoum Christians Targeted in Nuba Mountains Churches Attacked in Tanzania Churches Bombed in Nigeria and Burned in Ethiopia Churches Attacked in Nigeria Praying for Justice Faith Under Fire in Sudan
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December 2024