![]() Dear Family and Friends! Greetings from a lovely Cape Town, where winter is being ushered up to the Northern Hemisphere and Spring is making its debut. Most of you are aware of the serious drought the Western Cape has undergone, but this last winter God has blessed us with an abundant amount of rain and our dams are nearly full. Yet, our ANC government has decided that punitive water restrictions are an additional way for them to extort more money from hard-pressed Capetonians and we are now being charged a ‘sundries levy’ which is purportedly going towards building new water desalination plants. Much more can be said on this topic, but suffice to say that despite stringent restrictions, our gardens are green and our rain water tanks are full in preparation for our dry summer ahead. It is always a good principle to conserve water and certainly our family has perfected the art of showering while standing in buckets and using this water for all and sundry other purposes. It is quite extraordinary to think that September is here already and reflecting upon the challenges as well as blessings 2018 has already had in store for us, here is an update: ![]() Andrea, Hunter and Jeremy have already been here now for 7 months! What a blessing it is to have them living with us in our little Cottage on our property. After being a student for most of his life, Hunter is relishing, despite the challenges, a life of full-time missionary service in his many capacities. His duties vary from mentoring our mission interns, heading up the regular outreach teams to the University and to the Muslims in the Cape, going on Mission trips as far north as Sudan and also around South Africa, giving lectures, Bible studies and mission report backs. Having our daughter and son-law sharing our ministry calling remains one of the many blessings in our life. We could not be more proud. We are looking forward to the arrival of their second baby boy in early November. This will also be the first time we are involved in the birth of a grandchild! ![]() Daniela is enjoying her work as a graphic designer. She has a variety of projects she works on and also designs for our ministry. She is keenly active in her local Church and joins in on the many outreaches, hikes and Camps that Frontline Fellowship arranges. ![]() Christopher has finished his third term of an ‘Intro to Film’ course and is seriously praying over God’s direction for the next few years. He is eager to enrol in a three-year degree program in Film and Editing, which would enable him to pursue a career in Post-Production. We are praying for God’s provision for his studies and His peace that this is the way to go forward. Christopher is able to work on film sets and gets offered a huge variety of experiences. Cape Town is one of the film capitals and companies from all over the world use our beaches and fair climate for filming commercials and catalogue shoots. Christopher also house-sits and gets involved in the IT work at our ministry on his free days. ![]() Calvin is finishing up his grade 12 exams this year and we hope to complete his SAT as well. Next year is still quite uncertain as we explore various options of study. One of them is a one-year course at the Bible Institute, followed by a course in Sports Management. Cape Town is a most ideal setting for a sports-minded person and our whole family is involved in some outdoor sporting, or hiking event, on an almost weekly basis. It is no wonder that one of our children may end up turning Sports into a ministry career. Calvin has been invited to take part in the Bi-Athle World Champs event in Egypt in October. This is a run/swim/run event. (Different from bi-athlon, which is running and cycling) To this end, he is swimming and running on a daily basis, starting very early in the mornings. He fits in his studies in-between and also works as a coach in one of our local primary schools. Calvin joins our Ministry for outreaches and work parties when he can. ![]() By God's grace, Peter has already, personally, completed eight missions this year, including to Back to the Bible Mission in Mpumalanga, lecturing on Missiology for a week amongst 100 students from 20 countries across Africa, as far afield as Madagascar, Benin and Ethiopia, along with prison ministry, hospital evangelism and History Workshops for home educators. ![]() Another one of his highlights this year was ministering to 7,000, mainly Zulu, young people at the Youth Conference at KwaSizabantu Mission in KwaZulu/Natal in June. The enthusiasm and hunger for Bible teaching from these young people was most encouraging. The Bible College Consultation near Pretoria and joining in with KwaSizabantu’s church plant project in Tugela Valley, were other highlights, so far. ![]() During the month of July, I was able to join 4,000 other Breast Cancer survivors in a Dragon Boating event in Florence, Italy. It was a privilege to be the helm for an Austrian Composite Team. We had 10 nations represented on our boat and we managed to win each heat we paddled in. So out of over 100 Teams, we ranked 37th - not bad, considering as a team we were paddling together for the first time. I was a very nervous helm/steer person, never having helmed outside of South Africa before! I met up with family in the Italian part of Switzerland, where my sister Debbie and brother-in-law, Hans, hosted several beautiful sightseeing tours. We were looked after by my nephew, Oliver, in his hotel nestled in the mountains. Here in Cape Town, my involvement with Reach for Recovery, keeps me in touch with women who have undergone surgeries due to Breast Cancer. My hospital visitation enables me to minster to and engage in the lives of these women from all walks of life. I so enjoy talking to them and love the opportunities this gives me to encourage them. ![]() We are so grateful to you for your friendship and support on so many levels. There are many desperate needs in our Ministry and so many ways in which people can be involved. I would welcome any of you to let me know in what ways you could be further involved with Frontline Fellowship – the ministry God has entrusted Peter with. Now more than ever, the needs are great, as so much of Africa is seeking refuge in South Africa. Our own country is, however, in much political turmoil and our currency has been tanked to junk status. Yet, Peter remains positive and convinced that we need to keep on keeping on and making a difference where we can. Thank you for your prayers and your involvement! Gratefully, Lenora Hammond Frontline Fellowship P.O. Box 74 Newlands 7725 Cape Town South Africa Tel: 021-689-4480 Fax: 086-494-8070 Email: [email protected] Website: www.frontlinemissionsa.org
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