![]() Dear Friends and Family! Greetings from a very wet and wintery Southern Hemisphere! We trust this finds those of you in the Northern Hemisphere well, enjoying summer weather and all things this conjures up. While the whole world seems to be headed in a crazy direction, and while we are selectively being fed a very hand-picked and particular narrative, we are grateful to know God is still on the Throne and that He is Sovereign over all things world-wide. ![]() QUARANTINE AND CANCELLATIONS After such a tumultuous 2020, no one really knew what to expect for the year 2021. Here in South Africa at least, lock-down rules and regulations can change from day to day, and it seems impossible to plan ahead with any certainty for anything. From the simple plans to the more complicated ones, such as international travel, it still is anyone’s guess as to what lies ahead. The financially crippling rules regarding quarantine stays at hotels alone are enough to put one off of traveling for the foreseeable future. My sister has already had as many as six cancellations this year alone, to her booked flights for a visit here in Cape Town. We are hoping her latest booking for July will be stable and that we can enjoy some much longed for time together. ![]() OPPORTUNITIES Peter has had unprecedented occasions for radio interviews stretching across the Globe in the last year. When the media only gives you one account, it is refreshing to chronicle events not only from a Biblical perspective, but also a historical one. Peter also has invitations for ministry both in Europe as well as America. Unfortunately, neither can yet be confirmed due to the many travel restrictions. Our missionaries are in the process of planning quite a complex overland mission throughout Southern and Central Africa. These excursions require tireless attention to detail, involving months of correspondence, ordering the correct literature in the correct languages, planning the itineraries efficiently, considering the cost of fuel, the border crossings according to the cost of Visas and of course preparing lectures, sermons, children’s as well as women’s evangelism. So, while fickle governments, impractical rules, non-sensical regulations and other man-made impositions make it problematic to plan ahead, some things can still be counted on. The sun still rises and sets as God has ordained; His will for us is still realized; His Word is still true and daily obedience to the Word is still the only way forward. I am grateful for that, because ultimately it is all that matters anyway! ![]() MY HIPS DON’T LIE Most of you will know I underwent a very complex and complete hip replacement in December last year. Sadly, seven months later, I am still not walking unaided. The bottom line is that the bone metastasis on both sides of my hip has continued to spread, and the prosthesis cannot be supported properly. The “bony mets” as they call it is causing quite a severe amount of pain now, and I am on a stringent amount of pain medication to control this. Further treatment is being discussed and alternatives are being made use of alongside the treatments. There are probably as many opinions on what type of care to consider as there are different kind of cancers! Sometimes it is hard to wade through them all. Digesting the vast amount of literature out there on the subject is overwhelming to say the least! At the end of the day, I pray fervently for God’s guidance and for His specific peace with each decision made. I am a Stage Four cancer patient, and so while not curable, I am still considered treatable. Any decisions we make are not made lightly and without them being bathed in prayer. I am grateful for you, my prayer supporters, who have upheld not just me but our whole family in earnest prayer. Thank you! ![]() OLIVER DAVID Our family here in Cape Town has been blessed this year with the addition of our third grandson, Oliver David Combs. Andrea and Hunter welcomed Oliver to their household in May of this year much to the delight of older brothers Jeremy, age almost six and Joshua, age almost three. ![]() Considering my own health issues, I am delighted to be able to witness and experience this new precious addition to our clan. Sadly, I am not able to be as much support as I wish I could be, but I enjoy rewarding cuddles with him on a regular basis. Now Peter and I both understand why our parents preferred only having one grandchild visit at a time! We try to do the same, and are able to enjoy the unique differences in our grandsons. The boys enjoyed helping their Oupa(Peter) plant a tree along the canal in memory of my parents, their great grandparents. ![]() HAMMOND CREW Daniela is very busy with her work as a graphic designer and enjoys the variety and change of pace that free-lance work affords her. She also enjoys and relies upon the stability a part time designer job via a UK company has to offer. Christopher is finishing off his fourth and final year at Film School. He hopes and prays he will be able to find work in the Post Production Industry during these uncertain times. He works on short film projects for our Mission as well and takes on free-lance work whenever possible. Calvin is in his second year of studies towards a Diploma in Sports Science and has quite a number of coaching jobs both privately as well as coaching field hockey and cross country at a Primary School. Peter and I are blessed to have all of our children involved in outreaches, Camps, Courses and projects with the Mission to varying degrees. ![]() GREAT COMMISSION COURSE Tomorrow (Lord willing, with rumours of a return to Level 5 lockdown), our three-week Great Commission Course begins. This will be the first time in 10 years that we are hosting it during our winter months. (We were aiming to accommodate students from the Northern Hemisphere and their summer break, but travel restrictions are still too limiting.) Both Peter and Hunter, alongside our dedicated Missionary Team, have been gearing up and preparing for the best possible lectures, outreaches, and workshops for outside participants to get involved in. They, along with our Frontline leadership team, have worked tirelessly to make this our best GCC yet! We always pray the Lord will send us only the people He would like at these Camps and Courses, and we look forward to meeting the various participants from around South Africa. Like many other Missions, we are feeling the restricting effects of financial hardships for many of our supporters. We consider ourselves blessed to be in Ministry and trust the Lord for His provision, His way, and in His time. We are grateful for our world-wide family of prayer warriors and financial supporters that humanly speaking make things like this Great Commission Course possible. Thank you for taking it upon yourself to pray for our participants, that they would realize a fresh and deeper call to the Great Commission. Frontline Fellowship is in a unique position to offer practical, on the ground training for anyone considering a call to cross-cultural Missions. Peter has an intensive programme of outreaches planned for our GCC participants. We look forward in anticipation to any new volunteers or interns the Lord will bring our way. There are several areas of expertise that are in urgent need of being filled, and we just know the Lord is preparing specific individuals to answer the call. Thank you for being a part of our prayer-support Team. Thank you for your intercession on behalf of our family as well as for the vast array of opportunities that need to be realized as the Lord allows. May our Heavenly Father bless and guide you. Gratefully, Lenora Hammond [email protected] www.FrontlineMissionsSA.org.za
25/6/2021 16:33:19
Thanks dear Lenora for your letter with so much information. It is a joy to keep praying for you and your entire family. May God uphold you and answer in His grace all prayers rising up to our heavenly Father for you!!
Joyce Hart
28/2/2023 04:31:28
I miss Lenora.
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