![]() To listen to the audio on this article, click here. To see a video on this article, click here. To see a screen capture video on this article, click here. To see a PowerPoint on this article, click here. The recent Hollywood epic: Elizabeth – The Golden Age (a sequel to the earlier Elizabeth) has inspired greater interest in this famous queen and the tumultuous times in which she lived. Numerous friends have asked just how much of these films are accurate history and how much is Hollywood fiction. England’s Greatest Queen There is no doubt that Elizabeth I was England’s greatest queen. She came to the throne of a country deeply divided, economically bankrupt and devastated by the persecutions and oppression of her half sister Mary Tudor (the infamous Bloody Mary whose fanatical obsession to return England to Catholicism so spectacularly backfired. Bloody Mary condemned hundreds of prominent English Protestants to death by burning at the stake – including the Archbishop of Canterbury Thomas Cranmer, the most famous Protestant theologians and preachers Bishops Ridley, Hooper and Latimer, the Bible translator John Rogers, and many others.)
![]() To listen to the audio, click here. To view the video, click here. To view the PowerPoint, click here. Re-enactments and Accusations The documentary film, EXODUS – Uncovering a cult in KwaZulu-Natal, produced by News 24 claims to be the result of a “seven-month News 24 investigation into accusations of gross human rights violations...” This disturbing film makes extensive use of what they call re-enactments, mainly of school children being beaten with plastic pipes and other abuse. The footage used for depicting the South African military were plainly not wearing SADF uniforms, but looked like it came from America. Re-enactments are actors performing, so that hardly constitute authentic evidence. “The first one to plead his cause seems right, until his neighbour comes and examines him.” Proverbs 18:17 Trial by Media Trial by media can be very destructive. The News 24 exclusive documentary, EXODUS, has a small selection of disgruntled and embittered people who used to be part of the KwaSizabantu Mission. “A man who bears false witness against his neighbour is like a club, a sword and a sharp arrow.” Proverbs 25:18 Refuted by the Testimonies of Thousands However, there are many hundreds who have had wonderful experiences and openly testify of what a tremendous blessing KwaSizabantu Mission has been for them and what a privilege it was growing up in that protected environment. ![]() The Man-Eating Lions of Tsavo The extra-ordinary true story of the two man-eating lions of Tsavo was dramatised by the Paramount Pictures film The Ghost and the Darkness. The Facts Behind the Film In the advertisements for the film the claim was made: "Only the most incredible parts of the story are true." A careful comparison of the 1996 film with the original 1907 book, “The Man-Eaters of Tsavo”, upon which the film is based makes that clear. It is a fact that two powerful 200 kg lions (one with a blonde mane, the other with a black mane) terrorised the railway construction workers at Tsavo in Kenya throughout 1898. ![]() The way that The Recce film was advertised and marketed, I was looking forward to seeing it. With stars such as Greg Kriek and Marius Weyers, I was expecting an excellent production. Disappointing Knowing a number of Reconnaissance Commando veterans, including its Founder, Colonel Jan Breytenbach, I thought: it is about time that these veterans and their family members have a film, which highlights some of what they achieved against such great odds. However, this film is a disappointment. Plot Holes and Inconsistencies The plot holes are numerous and huge. Captain le Roux, who presents the central character, Corporal Henk Viljoen, with his assignment to assassinate a Russian colonel in Angola, is evidently not a Recce and wears the brown beret of the personnel service. Recces would not have been given their marching orders by any other than Reconnaissance Commando (purple beret) and Intelligence service (black beret) personnel. Movie Review by Andrea Combs ![]() “…for behold, you shall conceive and bear a son. No razor shall come upon his head, for the child shall be a Nazirite to God from the womb, and he shall begin to save Israel from the hand of the Philistines.” Samson 13:5 It’s a story many of us grew up hearing. It’s the story of a man with unusually long hair, set apart, chosen by God, and given the gift of extraordinary strength. He was a Nazirite who had to live by a different set of rules: never to drink any wine, touch a dead body, or shave his head. We all know him by the name of Samson, and his story has just been brought to the screen unlike ever before. Movie Review by Andrea Combs ![]() “And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” – Esther 4:14 Frans Cronje’s latest film, The Roar, has a strong, God-centered message about finding one’s identity and purpose in Christ. Woven throughout the movie are clear themes of conviction and calling. This movie, packed with family values, portrays the importance of honesty, the pitfalls of deceit, and the essential need to humble one’s self before the Lord. Being a South-African made movie, there is also a strong anti-rhino poaching message throughout the film.
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A Time of Defeat and Retreat
Darkest Hour is a British war drama focusing on Winston Churchill’s first month in office as Prime Minister of Great Britain, May/June 1940. Darkest Hour is a suspense-filled and engrossing historic drama set against the backdrop of the German Blitzkrieg which sent the British and French armies in headlong retreat.
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