AVAILABLE NOW!!from Christian Liberty Books - CLICK THE PIC FOR MORE Jesus Preached the Gospel of the Kingdom The word Church occurs only three times in the Gospels. Yet the terms Kingdom and Kingdom of God occur over 120 times in the Gospels. The overwhelming emphasis of the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ was a Kingdom message. We read that our Lord Jesus Christ preached the Gospel of the Kingdom of God, yet today it is generally the "Gospel of Salvation" which is preached. The message in this publication: The Kingdom of God provides an effective expose and counter to the modern therapeutic self-help message where the emphasis is on me, with God playing a supporting role in how I can fulfill my dreams and attain my desires. The Gospel of the Kingdom of God is all about the King of kings and the Lord of lords. His Crown, His Coming, His Cross, His Great Commission, His plan and purpose for the nations and what we can do to be faithful subjects, servants and soldiers of His eternal Kingdom Every Knee Will Bow The question is not: Will you bow to Christ? But: When will you bow to Christ as your rightful King of kings and Lord of lords? Each one of us may bow to Him now, in the day of grace, while forgiveness is freely offered; or we will be forced to bow on the Day of Judgement. When the day of grace has ended. When the door to Heaven is firmly closed. The fact is that every knee will bow, and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father (Philippians 2:9-11).
It is the latest in the series of Firm Foundations for our Faith booklets: The Apostles Creed Biblical Faith & Modern Counterfeits The Authority of Christ & the First Day Sabbath Martha, Mary and Lazarus
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November 2024
AuthorFrontline Fellowship |