Firm Foundations
By God’s grace, Frontline Fellowship used the window of opportunity provided by the ceasefire and unprecedented peace in Sudan to deliver and distribute thousands of Bibles and New Testaments and audio Bibles and tens of thousands of Christian school textbooks. This, along with leadership training programmes is laying solid foundations for the future. Pray for Sudan Pray for the many Christians caught up in this unstable situation in Sudan; that they would be steadfast and courageous during this time of uncertainty. Pray that what man means for evil, God will use for good (Genesis 50:20). |
And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28
An Island of Christianity in a Sea of Islam
Pray for the many Christians in the Nuba Mountains of Sudan who have enjoyed an unparalleled time of peace during which many schools have been built and churches rebuilt. Unless the Islamists and Jihadists are frustrated in their attempts to return Sudan to Shari’a law, the Nuba Mountains could well experience a resurgence of hostile attacks.
Pray for the many Christians in the Nuba Mountains of Sudan who have enjoyed an unparalleled time of peace during which many schools have been built and churches rebuilt. Unless the Islamists and Jihadists are frustrated in their attempts to return Sudan to Shari’a law, the Nuba Mountains could well experience a resurgence of hostile attacks.
Mobilise Prayer for the Persecuted
Please mobilise your congregation and prayer group to lift up our brothers and sisters in Christ who are in danger in Sudan.
Please mobilise your congregation and prayer group to lift up our brothers and sisters in Christ who are in danger in Sudan.
You can view our Missions to the Nuba Mountains of Sudan video here
And if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it; or if one member is honoured, all the members rejoice with it. Now you are the body of Christ and members individually.” 1 Corinthians 12:26-27
Pray for South Sudan and the Nuba Mountains
Please join in with us in fervent prayer that the sufferings of our Christian brethren in South Sudan and the Nuba Mountains become known to the Church worldwide and that the persecutors be exposed and opposed. Let us pray that peace with justice be firmly established in independent South Sudan and in the Nuba Mountains of South Kordofan. |
Faith Under Fire in Sudan
Frontline Fellowship has delivered and distributed many hundreds of thousands of Bibles and Christian books in 24 languages, in 15 different regions of Sudan and South Sudan. For the incredible testimonies of how Christians have endured centuries of persecution in Islamic Sudan and how courageous Christians in South Sudan won their freedom, read Faith Under Fire in Sudan (320 pages, 200 pictures) and see Sudan: The Hidden Holocaust and Terrorism and Persecution – Understanding Islamic Jihad |
“And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28
View Behind Enemy Lines in Sudan
Video Interviews
Cush will submit itself to God.”
Psalm 68:31
Overcoming Scepticism
Initially, even the leaders of the Sudanese People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) were sceptical that the map could ever be redrawn, as the African Union had resisted any changes to the borders delineated in the Berlin Conference of 1884-1885. I argued strenuously with Colonel John Garang, the leader of the SPLA and Commander Silva Kiir, the second in Command of the SPLA, that only independence for South Sudan could secure their future and freedom. Anything else would mean the continuation of oppression by the Arab North, as they would be a minority in their own country. Although Blacks are a majority in South Sudan, they were a minority in the whole country in Sudan. Missionaries had pleaded with Great Britain in 1955 not to include the Black Christians and animists of the South into an Arab ruled Sudan. Suggestions were made to incorporate Equatoria into Kenya or Uganda, but to no avail.
Islamisation and Arabisation
From the very first day of independence, 1 January 1956, the Arab North sought to Arabise and Islamise the South with brutal oppression, great devastation and loss of life. I showed from Sudan’s history and from the teachings of Islam, why the only way to be free of Shari'a law and Arab oppression was to fight for full independence and sovereignty of South Sudan and the Nuba Mountains.
South Sudan is Now an Independent Country
Although they were highly sceptical that it was at all possible, today South Sudan is an independent country and Silva Kiir has been its first president since 9 July 2011.
Initially, even the leaders of the Sudanese People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) were sceptical that the map could ever be redrawn, as the African Union had resisted any changes to the borders delineated in the Berlin Conference of 1884-1885. I argued strenuously with Colonel John Garang, the leader of the SPLA and Commander Silva Kiir, the second in Command of the SPLA, that only independence for South Sudan could secure their future and freedom. Anything else would mean the continuation of oppression by the Arab North, as they would be a minority in their own country. Although Blacks are a majority in South Sudan, they were a minority in the whole country in Sudan. Missionaries had pleaded with Great Britain in 1955 not to include the Black Christians and animists of the South into an Arab ruled Sudan. Suggestions were made to incorporate Equatoria into Kenya or Uganda, but to no avail.
Islamisation and Arabisation
From the very first day of independence, 1 January 1956, the Arab North sought to Arabise and Islamise the South with brutal oppression, great devastation and loss of life. I showed from Sudan’s history and from the teachings of Islam, why the only way to be free of Shari'a law and Arab oppression was to fight for full independence and sovereignty of South Sudan and the Nuba Mountains.
South Sudan is Now an Independent Country
Although they were highly sceptical that it was at all possible, today South Sudan is an independent country and Silva Kiir has been its first president since 9 July 2011.
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