![]() “Declare His glory among the nations, His wonders among all peoples.” 1 Chronicles 16:24 We praise God for His blessing and protection over Tobie, Alieske, Daniela, Erik and myself, who have returned from a packed and productive Mission around South Africa. We drove over 4,300 km, conducted over 60 m eetings, delivered about 2 tonnes of Bibles, books, Gospel booklets and AudioVisual materials to 24 locations across the Orange Free State, KwaZulu Natal, Eastern Cape and Western Cape, to 5 schools, 6 churches, 2 colleges, 2 Mission stations, 2 conferences and 2 seminars. KwaSizabantu Ministers Conference Over 2,500 participants took part in the Ministers Conference at KwaSizabantu Mission 4-6 March. Delegates came from as far afield as Angola, Armenia, Belgium, Benin, Botswana, the Congo, France, Germany, Ghana, Hungary, Kenya, Latvia, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Romania, Russia, from throughout South Africa, Swaziland, Switzerland, the United States of America, Zambia and Zimbabwe. The Theme of the conference was: Revival – God at Work. ![]() Hunger for Revival Rev. Erlo Stegen, the Founder and Director of KwaSizabantu Mission, expounded Isaiah 64: “Oh, that You would rend the heavens! That You would come down!...” An outpouring of God's Holy Spirit comes at a price. We need to count the cost, weeping in repentance, grieving over our sins, hungering for Revival and doing Restitution. Revival is a sovereign move of Almighty God. Revival is not churches filled with people, but people filled with God. Pentecost, Book of Acts Christianity. “Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit” says the Lord. If God moves, then we must expect opposition from the devil. “God resists the proud, but He gives grace to the humble.” Sin is the greatest threat to Revival (Isaiah 59:2). Carnal Christians oppose Revival. “Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft.” Neglect of prayer and failure to confess sin is destructive. Digital Cocaine Brad Huddelson, author of Digital Cocaine, gave a disturbing and enlightening presentation on technology and its effect on our intimacy with God. His studies on the negative effects of cell phones and TV and the positive effects of reading books are absolutely essential for every parent and teacher to study and apply. ![]() “Hate Speech” Bill Threat to Free Speech The subject I had been given to deal with at the Ministers Conference was: The Threats posed to Missions and Ministries by the so-called “Hate Speech” Bill. You can read my notes on the www.christianaction.org.za website, or click here. You can also listen to the presentation as delivered in English and translated into Zulu at the Ministers Conference, here. For an English only audio version of my presentation “Hate Speech” Bill Threat to Free Speech, click here. The video of the presentation as given at KwaSizabantu Mission, with Zulu translation, is available on our Vimeo Gallery, here. The Screen Capture is available on our Vimeo Gallery in an English only version, here. “And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:32 Warnings from Europe and Zimbabwe We also had an important presentation from Professor Andre van Beckevoort on “A Holy People Acting Upon the Good, Acceptable and Perfect Will of God.” And Mr Rejoice Ngwenya from Zimbabwe, who reported on the devastating consequences of Zimbabwe’s so-called Land Reform/Farm Confiscations. All of these will be uploaded in time onto the www.ksb.org.za website. ![]() Strategic Literature Distribution Ministers Conferences such as these, with so many ministers, missionaries, Evangelists and teachers from throughout Africa, are strategic literature distribution opportunities. We delivered and distributed close to a tonne of Bibles, books and audiovisual resources to the Mission and to the conference participants. Back to the Bible for Reformation and Revival At the Sunday morning worship service at KwaSizabantu Mission, I was given an opportunity to challenge the congregation with the Coalition on Revival Reformation 500 vision, calling all Christians back to reading through and studying every Book of the Bible and working to apply the Lordship of Christ to all areas of life, in response to the challenges confronting us. We distributed over 500 Coalition on Revival Reformation 500 FIRE Manuals to participants of the Ministers Conference. I was also given the opportunity to present the Thursday evening message at the Mission. I preached on: Judas – The Apostle Who Became an Apostate. A Word for You Radio Kwezi recorded another 15 A Word for You Devotionals for broadcast. In addition to this, I was interviewed by a Berlin-based German radio programme at the conference. ![]() William Carey School of World Missions As we drove out to William Carey School of World Missions, in the misty dark night from KwaSizabantu Mission, I could feel the first symptoms of a throat infection. By the next morning, I was struggling to speak as flu symptoms wracked my body. William Carey School of Missions is an important Mission training college situated outside of Durban. The Principal, Dr. Leslie James, has built up a magnificent missionary training centre. We had conducted a Great Commission Seminar at WCSWM before. This time I conducted a Discipleship Seminar, lecturing on Biblical Faith and Modern Counterfeits, The Challenge of Dr. Livingstone Today and Recognising God's Voice. Alieske gave a Mission Report from the Africa Reformation Overland Mission across seven countries last year. Then we screened Sudan-The Hidden Holocaust and The Atheist Delusion films for the students. School Ministries Throughout this South Africa Mission, our team members, Alieske, Daniela, Tobie and Erik, conducted numerous school assemblies at 5 different schools, including in Bloemfontein, Pietermaritzburg, East London and Alexandria. We also delivered Bibles, books and audiovisual materials to other schools. Presentations included: Animals in the Bible, Creation and Stewardship, Fight the New Drug, Recognising and Resisting Human Trafficking, Applying the Ten Commandments to our Lives, Evangelism Explosion and Missionary Reports and challenges. ![]() Conference Addressed by Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi It was a privilege to have Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi, the traditional Prime Minister to the Zulu monarch and nation and head of the Inkatha Freedom Party, open our Coalition on Revival Back to the Bible Conference. The venue was William Carey School of World Missions hall. Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi quoted from Isaiah 40:31: “But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.” Dr. Buthelezi called for South Africans to return to foundational values and principles. “Our country needs a government that is both capable and ethical. In the absence of a value system, any government is bound to fail.” “I believe that the principles contained in the Bible are the principles by which we should live.” Biblical Principles for the Elections Prince Buthelezi testified of walking with the Lord for 70 years, promoting justice and righteousness. He quoted Matthew 6:33: “But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness…” He expressed his appreciation for the work of the Christian Action Network, particularly for putting together the Biblical Issues Voters Guide, which has convinced him of the need for his party to re-open the national debate on the need of bringing back capital punishment for murder. He promised that the new IFP Manifesto for 2019 will make clear: “That we are champions of a free market economy and we hold the family to be the foundational building block of society.” He called on delegates to do more research on what the Bible says and where parties actually stand. “The Bible stands as absolute truth today, as it did yesterday and as it did in the times of Moses, David, Ruth and Peter. The rock on which the Church was built. We need to obey God's Biblical commands. Only then will we see Amos 5:24 – ‘But let justice run down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.’” You can read Dr. Buthelezi’s message here. ![]() Back to the Bible for Reformation and Revival Conference The Principal of William Carey School of World Missions, Dr. Leslie James presented the Devotions on Psalm 85:6 “Will You not revive us again, that Your people may rejoice in You?” Dr. Peter Munns of the Christian Coalition presented The Challenges That Confront Us and despite my throat infection and failing voice, I reported on the Coalition on Revival Reformation 500 FIRE vision, leading an open discussion on identifying the Threats and considering the Biblical solutions to the problems that confront us. ![]() Recognising the Threats We particularly identified the threats of: radical Islam, Marxism, the second phase of communist Revolutions, Syncretism, Unbelief, Cowardice, the Fear of Man, Compromise, Worldliness, Biblical Illiteracy, Neglect of the Bible, Prayerlessness, the Hate Speech Bill Restrictions on Free Speech, Plans to Register and Regulate Religious Practitioners, Persecution, Distraction, Disunity, the Gay Agenda and Gender-Fluidity movement, Indoctrination instead of Education in Public Schools, Degenerate Entertainment from Hollywood and the Need for Pastors to Return to Preaching Through the whole Bible, the full counsel of God, applying the Lordship of Christ to all areas of life. Coalition on Revival Resolutions and Resources for Rebuilding Civilisation on the Bible The delegates endorsed the 95 Theses for Reformation Today and the Coalition on Revival Documents, including on The Inerrancy of Scripture, the Manifesto for the Christian Church, 25 Articles on the Kingdom of God, 7 Essential Actions Local Churches Must Take, The Sanctity of Life and the Coalition on Revival Documents on Marriage, Homosexuality, Biblical Economic Systems, Education, Freedom of Expression, the Trinity and much more. These documents can be viewed on the Coalition on Revival and International Church Council Project websites and on the www.Reform500.org website. Concerns from the churches in KwaZulu Natal will be formulated for submission to the Global Church Council at Zurich, this July, 15-20. A Back to the Bible Conference is also being planned for Cape Town, 24 May. Ministry to Children During the Back to the Bible Conference, the rest of the Frontline Mission team were conducting ministry amongst local Zulu children in the area. They also conducted services at an Evangelical Bible Church in Pinetown each Sunday evening. They distributed many evangelistic tracts and Fight the New Drug leaflets, Animals in the Bible leaflets and much more. School Assemblies At the different schools that we conducted assemblies at, the children enthusiastically participated in The Marching Song, reciting the Ten Commandments poem, learning memory tools to apply God's Top Ten, singing great hymns of the Faith, learning the Evangelism Explosion Gospel Presentation and exploring the wonders of God's Creation and our duty to care for His creatures and protect the earth from poaching and pollution. ![]() Bureaucratic Battles Over Education From each school, we learned of the extraordinary burdens and expenses forced upon private and independent Christian community schools by government bodies such as Umalusi. Teaching is hard enough in the best of times. However, despite no funding, or subsidies, from the government, or even tax relief, to these independent schools, they force unwarranted and unnecessary expenses and time-consuming restrictions. For one matric student at an Eastern Cape Christian school to be recognised, Umalusi demands R10,000 just to look at their email and R50,000 for the students’ matric results to be recognised! They seem unconcerned that this is a Mission school struggling to carry out its ministry in a very depressed economic environment, with students from disadvantaged backgrounds. Extortion in the Name of Education The fact that these independent Christian schools are taking a tremendous burden off a government that is not even coping with its own schools, you would have thought that the least they could do was give them some tax relief. But, No! Umalusi declares that they do not care how many students are in the matric class, even if it is just one. R10,000 to register and R50,000 to be recognised is their required rate! How are missionary schools meant to survive under such outrageous extortions from a government which is meant to be civil servants? A Country in Crisis We experienced power failures and suspension of plumbing, even at busy petrol stations on the N2, without water. We drove over massive amounts of potholes and witnessed widespread damage to roads, evidence of rioting and destruction of property. We drove past thousands of hectares of burned out forests, due to arson, spoke to farmers who had lost loved ones, relatives and neighbours to brutal farm murders. These attacks appear to be incited and encouraged by racist ANC, EFF and BLF politicians, who seem to be able to demonise whites and espouse race hatred and genocide without the criminal justice system even pretending to deal with such incitements to murder and torture. Some of the most beautiful communities in the country are now litter-strewn, pollution-ridden, vandalised wrecks encased in razor wire, high walls, electric fencing, burglar bars and security gates. The devastation caused by a criminal element who have seized political power is evident throughout the country. Malice and Murder For an economy to run well, one needs tens-of-thousands of things to be done right. For so much malice, propaganda, disinformation, riots, destruction of property, arson and murder, to not only be tolerated, but effectively encouraged by the cANCer government, is catastrophic for any country. There is much evidence that we are entering into the second phase of the communist revolution. Christians need to be alert, understand the times and be vigorous in exposing the fruitless deeds of darkness. “Who will rise up for Me against the evildoers? Who will stand up for Me against the workers of iniquity?” Psalm 94:16 ![]() Appreciation for Resources Throughout the country, we found much gratitude for the Christian Action magazines in which we have dealt with Farms and Freedoms Under Fire in South Africa; Fraud, Failure and Farce – Land Expropriation Hearings; Is South Africa Entering the Second Phase of the Revolution? And our various AudioVisual resources on this. We met with individuals and congregations who reported that they frequently screen our Reformation Society video presentations to their congregation after the Sunday morning service as part of Adult Sunday school. There was much gratitude for the newly printed New Testament Survey books. It was most encouraging to hear back from our literature distribution contacts who are ensuring that Bibles, New Testaments, Gospels, World Missionary Press Gospel booklets and Frontline tracts are being widely distributed in schools, hospitals, police stations and prisons. Responses Across the Country Some of the written responses which we received from people on this Mission included: “I have been uplifted!”; “May God bless this ministry!”; “Awesome!”; “Excellent!”; “Excellent truth revelation!”; “marvellous!”; “We need more of this teaching.”; “Your bold and prophetic voice is much needed.”; “A very big Thank You for your example.”; “Press on!”; “Very encouraging, uplifting and inspiring.”; “This is a Divine appointment!”; “Please also come to my country, Tanzania.”; “Great mind renewing material.”; “We need to know this truth.”; “I want to know more of this wonderful work!”; “May God continue to bless your wonderful work!”; “Absolutely relevant.”; “Very challenging and uplifting. Excellent”’ “Very profound.”; “Never give up, keep pressing on. Keep up the great work!” ![]() Showers of Blessing Coming from Cape Town, which has such severe water restrictions, it was a delight to drive across very green countrysides. Even the Karoo and the Orange Free State was green. In KwaZulu Natal, we experienced terrific thundershowers with spectacular lightning illuminating the sky. We walked and drove in some torrential downpours. The blessings of rain are symbolic of the spiritual blessings which are so graciously poured out by Almighty God on His people during times of Revival. We desperately need a fresh outpouring of God's grace and mercy upon our troubled times and, in all too many cases, luke-warm churches. Learning from Steadfast Servants of the Lord It is always inspiring and informative to travel around the country, stay in different homes, visit different farms, mission stations, colleges and schools. There are so many bold and brave Christian witnesses working in difficult and dangerous situations in South Africa, shining the light of Christ, evangelising in their communities, making a positive difference. It gives one great hope for the future when we see how many faithful servants God has established throughout this land. ![]() An Urgent Call to Prayer and Action The difficulties and dangers they face on a daily basis could not be exaggerated. May we all be more faithful in uplifting them in prayer and standing against the evil intentions of the ANC, EFF and BLF Marxist Revolutionaries who are threatening to turn this country into a second Zimbabwe, ripping up constitutional safeguards for life and property, eroding religious freedoms and undermining Freedom of Speech. “All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing.” Prayer is an essential foundation for bold, Biblical action. Prayer is not meant to be an excuse for disobedience and heartless inactivity. Those people who say, “All we can do is pray” are unbiblical. We can and must do far more than pray. “Get Up! There is Sin in the Camp!” In Judges 7, after the defeat of the children of Israel at Ai, Joshua was lying face down praying in the Tabernacle before the altar of the Lord. God said to Joshua: “What are you doing lying down there on your face? Get up! There is sin in the camp!” There is so much that needs to be done to bring ourselves, our families, our congregations, our ministries and our communities back to the Bible, applying the Lordship of Christ to all areas of life. We cannot do everything, but we can all do something. What we can do, we must do! ![]() Fight the Good Fight of Faith In this election year, it is absolutely vital that Christians are informed and informing, educated and enlisted, motivated and mobilised to action. We need to be informed: “My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge.” We need to be interceding: “Praying always with thanksgiving.” We need to be involved, we need to seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. We need to be making disciples of all nations, teaching obedience to all things that the Lord has commanded. Could you not do something more for God? Could you start a Bible Study and Prayer group in your school, home, workplace or community? “… what does the Lord require of you but to do justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God?” Micah 6:8 We need to reclaim surrendered ground, expose the fruitless deeds of darkness. Submit to God. Resist the devil. Fight the good fight of Faith. Stand up for Jesus. Step out in Faith. Speak out boldly and Biblically. ![]() Upcoming Events Please also pray for our upcoming Missions to Mpumalanga, lecturing at Back to the Bible Mission. We have Biblical Preaching Workshops and Creation Seminars planned. Do be sure to listen to our regular From the Frontline podcasts, uploaded onto our www.FrontlineMissionSA.org. If you have not yet seen the latest Frontline News, it can be downloaded and read online, click here. Thank You Thank you for all your prayers, encouragement and support. We have important Missions being planned, including to Islamic Sudan. There are beleaguered and besieged communities of Christians in a sea of Islam who need our prayers, encouragement and practical support. We are planning on sending another Mission team into this war-devastated area to deliver and distribute tens-of-thousands of Bibles and Christian schoolbooks to over 100 remote schools in need. There are expenses that need to be met to make this mission possible. Please pray that the Lord will provide what is needed for our teams to serve the persecuted and work to fulfil the Great Commission within the 10-40 window in the Muslim Middle East. May the Lord continue to be your joy and strength. Yours for the fulfillment of the Great Commission Dr. Peter Hammond Frontline Fellowship P.O. Box 74 Newlands 7725 Cape Town South Africa Tel: 021-689-4480 [email protected] www.FrontlineMissionSA.org www.ReformationSA.org www.livingstonefellowship.co.za www.christianaction.org.za www.hmsschoolofchristianjournalism.org Recent Prayer and Praise Updates: Back to the Bible for Reformation and Revival Missions to Mpumalanga Winning Africa for Christ Ministry, Manuals and Missions South African Mission Bibles Bless the Nuba Mountains Mission to Australia Every Knee Shall Bow and Every Tongue Confess Would you prayerfully consider financially partnering with us in ministry? Our banking details are: (For South African supporters) Acc. Name: Frontline Fellowship First National Bank – Rondebosch Branch code: 201509 Acc. No: 5017 0589 260 Ref: Initial and surname and what it is designated for. (For overseas supporters) Acc. Name: Frontline Fellowship First National Bank – Rondebosch, Cape Town, South Africa Acc. No: 5017 0589 260 Swift No: FIRNZAJJ Ref: Initial and surname and what it is designated for
1 Comment
Dennis and Connie Gomez
8/8/2021 09:46:40
truly hope we see/hear you at Old Paths!! Bless you and my God heal your wife!!!!
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