![]() Back to the Bible Mission By God's grace I have returned from a Mission to Mpumalanga. For over 15 years I have been a regular guest lecturer of Back to the Bible Mission, presenting weeks of lectures on Missiology and Church History to students from over 20 countries across Africa. As one approaches Back to the Bible Mission, the large white Cross dominates the Valley and, lit up at night, can be seen from a great distance. The huge white Cross is symbolic of the Christian witness and Missionary vision which radiates out from this strategic Leadership Training Mission. Each week day morning at Back to the Bible Mission begins with the bell being rung at 6am. Devotions at the top of the hill, at the auditorium, involves all students, faculty and staff. As the principal, Professor Shai Mulder, regularly reminds us: “Your walk with God is even more important than your work for God.” Each morning the students and staff share prayer requests and praise items, with Scripture memory verses and focus on a different country from Operation World for intercession. Back to the Bible Mission is truly “a house of prayer for all nations.” The vision of Africa for Christ is reinforced in many pictures and posters. See the video 30 Years of Back to the Bible Mission: https://vimeo.com/628904506
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![]() Dear Friends Thank you very much for your prayers, love and encouragement at this most difficult time. It has been a very long and hard battle against cancer. It was Lenora’s expressed wish that we, her family and friends, do not mourn her death, but celebrate her life. This we attempted to do in the Memorial Service in the Upper Room Bathman Memorial Hall last Thursday night. The Upper Room was packed to overflowing and many gave testimony as to how Lenora had impacted, enriched and transformed their lives. ![]() 3 April 1977, I was converted to Christ. It happened at the Ster Kinekor cinema in Pinelands... My family had moved from Rhodesia to Cape Town. We were living in Pinelands, just a few kilometres from where I had been born. It was Sunday evening, 3rd April 1977, when I walked over to the local cinema, with little realisation of how dramatically that would change my life forever. Ambushed by the Gospel At that time, commercial activity on Sunday was prohibited in South Africa by law. No cinemas were open, in honour of the Lord’s Day. The local Baptist Church had hired out the cinema for an Evangelistic rally. The guest preacher, Rev. Rex Matthie, preached a powerful message on what Christ had suffered for us: “Jesus died for you. What have you ever done for Him?” ![]() “And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also. You therefore must endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.” 2 Timothy 2:2-3 Multi-Generational Ministry of Multiplication It is our duty and destiny to be involved in a ministry of multiplication with a multi-generational vision. We are called to be strong and to be faithful as we equip and empower Evangelists to seek first the Kingdom of God, making disciples of nations, teaching obedience to all things that the Lord has commanded. The Great Commission is our supreme ambition. Christ’s last command must be our first concern. ![]() I am happy to record my deep appreciation to the unchangeable God of Heaven for the gifted ministry of Dr. Hammond. My first recollection of Dr. Hammond was sitting around a table in a local hotel in Belfast Northern Ireland, witnessing a conversation between him and the late, Dr Ian R.K. Paisley. I was totally absorbed with respect for both men as they shared their analysis of the spiritual state of the world in general and Europe and Africa in particular. The Biblical insights that God had clearly bestowed upon His servants was challenging, inspirational and influential. ![]() Shipments of Spiritual Ammunition for Spiritual Warfare We praise God for three shipments of precious Bibles and Christian books received in the last month. First, we received a 20-foot, 18-tonne container of Bibles and books from Eagles Nest Ministries. Then just a day later, a 30-foot container of over 22 tonnes of World Missionary Press Gospel booklets (over two million Gospel booklets, each 50-pages all Scripture, in 15 languages – English, Afrikaans, Xhosa, Zulu, Chichewa, French, Portuguese, Swahili, Sepedi, Sesotho, Shona, Tswana and Yao). Then a designated gift enabled us to buy, from the Bible Society, 790 Bibles in indigenous African languages, including: Afrikaans, Chichewa, Ndebele, Sesotho, Shona, Seswati, Tswana, Xhosa and Zulu. All told, over 40 tonnes of literature to offload, sort, categorise, designate and distribute. Many pastors, evangelists, teachers and missionaries have already come to our Literature4Africa stores to resupply their ministries and obtain essential spiritual ammunition for their outreaches and discipleship projects. “So shall My Word be that goes forth from My mouth; it shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.” Isaiah 55:11 ![]() Frontline News The latest Frontline Fellowship News is now available online. It includes: BIBLES and BOOKS to SUDAN with LOVE; SUDAN in CRISIS at a CROSSROADS; MUGABE’S Zimbabwe LEGACY; Teaching in Remote and Restricted Access Areas; South Africa Mission; Prayer poster for the Nuba Mountains of Sudan. Missions in the Mall We praise God for another successful series of Missions in the Malls. Approximately 30 volunteers and mission workers were mobilised to distribute over 3,000 leaflets and a thousand balloons with Scripture messages on them, in three different shopping malls around the Cape Peninsula on National Womens Day, Friday 9 August. We have been conducting these Missions in the Malls every year since 1995. We read in Acts 17:16-17, that the Apostle Paul was greatly distressed to see that Athens was full of idols, so he reasoned in the market place day by day, with those that happened to be there. “Does not wisdom cry out and understanding lift up her voice? She takes her stand on the top of the high hill, beside the way, where the paths meet. She cries out by the gates, at the entry of the city, at the entrance of the doors.” Proverbs 8:1-3 ![]() Literature4Africa This week, on Tuesday, we offloaded another container of 18 tonnes of Bibles and books, in pouring rain and freezing cold. Strikes in the harbour had delayed the offloading of our container for over a week and when it was finally delivered at 6am on Tuesday morning, it was in the middle of a storm. Our team had to improvise a tent over the container to enable us to keep the literature dry while offloading in the middle of wind and rain. Today, pastors, teachers and evangelists from far and wide are descending on the Mission stores to re-supply their various outreaches and ministries. ![]() Greetings in the precious Name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. By God's grace, so far this year, we have completed the Biblical Worldview Summit, Great Commission Course, March for Life, missions to Uganda and Sudan and across South Africa, including ministering at the Ministers Conference at KwaSizabantu Mission with a record 2,500 participants from 29 countries. Our missionaries to the Nuba Mountains of Sudan managed to deliver the largest shipment of Bibles and books ever delivered to an officially Islamic country that we are aware of. Over 118,000 Bibles and books in English and Arabic, were delivered to over 130 schools, churches and Bible colleges throughout the remote Nuba Mountains region of Sudan. We also completed the six year Bible Survey, publishing the New Testament Survey book and Audio MP3 Boxset. Many of these have been donated to colleges and pastors throughout Africa. ![]() Mission to Sudan We praise God that four Frontline missionaries, John, Abrie, Ben and Daniel, are returning from a successful time of ministering in the remote Nuba Mountains of Sudan. By God's grace, they were able to distribute another shipment of 40,000 Bibles and 50,000 Story of Jesus picture books. They were also able to deliver and distribute: 20,000 note books; 2,000 copies of Faith Under Fire in Sudan; 2,000 copies of Chaplains Handbook; 2,000 copies of Biblical Principles for Africa and 2,000 copies of Greatest Century of Missions books, to schools, churches and Bible colleges throughout the Nuba Mountains region of Sudan. “Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.” Romans 10:17 Besieged The Nuba Mountains is an island of Christianity in a sea of Islam. An initial report from one of our missionaries in the Nuba reads: “Antonov bomber planes, MiG aircraft, tanks, scorched earth campaigns from the Islamic Arab North and crippling poverty all describe the dire situation of South Kordofan of Sudan. Despite the aggressive adversity the people of Sudan are facing, there is hope as people are turning to God. His Word is rapidly spreading and the Gospel is taking root in the hearts of thousands of people. |
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