![]() Africa Reformation Overland Mission By God’s Grace, Joseph, Francis and I have completed our seven-country overland mission, ministering throughout Mozambique, Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Swaziland, Botswana and South Africa. We thank God that during our 14 000 kilometres mission, we did not even have one puncture or any mechanical breakdowns. We only had a few minor mechanical problems and none of us were seriously ill or injured. We left Cape Town not knowing if we would have enough funds to complete this mission, but God was gracious to answer our prayers and provided for all our needs. Thank you to all those who prayed for and supported us
![]() Will You not revive us again, that Your people may rejoice in You?” Psalm 85:6 This year is the 500th anniversary of the Reformation started by Dr. Martin Luther. We planned the Africa Reformation Overland Mission to call people back to the Bible. It was my privilege to be apart of this mission team. Zambia We travelled up to Zambia through Namibia and upon our entrance into Zambia we experienced the worst potholed roads ever. Needless to say – traveling in Zambia was not the most pleasant, and there were countless police-stops with corrupt people looking for bribes. We held a Reformation Conference in Lusaka (the capital of Zambia) at the Justo Mwale University of Theology. Pastors from all over Zambia and even other countries like Malawi and Zimbabwe attended. They were enthusiastic about Reformation and Revival. They were eager to learn and had lots of questions about questionable practices in the Churches in Zambia. ![]() Anthony Paul Duncan (06.02.66 – 14.12.94) Soldier, game ranger and missionary In the early morning mist of 14 December 1994, Frontline Fellowship field worker, Anthony Duncan, was killed in a head-on collision Anthony was returning back from a long, difficult and dangerous mission to five countries. Anthony had been part of a Frontline Fellowship mission team that had successfully delivered a ton of desperately needed medicines and Bibles into war-torn Angola. Despite an ambush and arrest at the Namibian border with Angola, which maintained a shoot-on sight policy to enforce the United Nations blockade on Unita-controlled “Free Angola”, the team had succeeded in delivering the desperately needed medicines and Bibles to the suffering Christians in Angola. They were on the way back from this eventful trip, which had also included the same vehicle rolling down an embankment and crushing the canopy on the way up to Zambia. |
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